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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 27th February, 2020)

Douglas Terrace

Douglas Terrace
For the nostalgics - Douglas Terrace, 1875, Ormskirk Road. You can even buy a bit of it to preserve for posterity...

Photo: David Long  (iPhone)
Views: 2,309

Comment by: Alan on 27th February 2020 at 00:10

No thanks!!

Comment by: alan on 27th February 2020 at 05:07

Who will want to ?

Comment by: Mick on 27th February 2020 at 06:47

Pigeon on the roof, a sign of a warm attic.

Comment by: jj on 27th February 2020 at 08:33

The property on the left - two front doors for such a small place - strange.

Comment by: Veronica on 27th February 2020 at 08:33

They would have been good solid buildings at one time. Once the bricks are painted over in the middle of a row of terrace and plastic frontage added they start to look horrible...the signage adds to the mix, fast food lowers the tone. Yet the fish and chip shop of old in the middle of a row didn't somehow, perhaps because of the absence of garish signage. That's my opinion anyway. There would be a chance if the 'shops' were turned back into houses by good builders, houses made good for young people to purchase...?

Comment by: kath on 27th February 2020 at 08:34

Did that used to be Slaters shop back in the 60s?

Comment by: Gary on 27th February 2020 at 08:59

jj - one door will have stairs up behind it. "Upper" flat and the other the "lower" flat.
Much of inner Tyneside was like this.
Probably has a shared back yard.

Comment by: irene roberts on 27th February 2020 at 09:02

I agree with Veronica. When we go to Beamish or The Black Country Museum, the fish and chip shops, (up and running and queues a mile long!), are thirties-style with the proprietor's name and "Fish and Chips" done in beautiful but subdued lettering. The row on the photo doesn't look inviting and yet I have seen dreadful properties made beautiful on Homes Under The Hammer. But it takes time and money.

Comment by: Mick LD on 27th February 2020 at 09:27

kATH - I think Slaters was the end one with the black shutters.
In the '60s, he had an old bus converted to a mobile shop, and used to visit UpHolland on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sold excellent fresh fish.
I think he retired from this shop all around 1980/1981. At the time I was working in the Newtown area as a police officer, and a friend of his reported him missing. It turned out he had gone on a motorcycling holiday, and had been involved in an accident, and ended up in hospital with a broken leg. This may have prompted his retirement.

Comment by: Chris on 27th February 2020 at 09:46

jj. The property on left is two separate flats. Each with own front door.
That's why there are two sale signs.

Comment by: Veronica on 27th February 2020 at 15:39

It's a wonderful place Beamish, time has just stood still, I could spend hours immersing myself in the atmosphere. Who knows Wigan itself could become another living museum when all he big stores have disappeared! Imagine knocking on doors and going inside people's houses ( for a small fee!)...;0) As if ...!

Comment by: Bob on 27th February 2020 at 17:50

Good point Alan, who would want to ?
A project like this in London would be bought , restored and sold or rented within six months . In Wigan it will lie waiting for a developer who will then change it to something Wigan people don’t want . There
is not enough money coming into towns like Wigan to restore the places we value . The council have only two options , leave a building to die or hand it to a developer, hoping !

Comment by: janet on 28th February 2020 at 15:18

cheap side david

Comment by: Lynne on 29th February 2020 at 23:26

Get some help, Mick

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