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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 5th May, 2018)

Wood anemone

Wood anemone
Haigh plantations.

Photo: David  (Panasonic FZ330)
Views: 2,791

Comment by: Derek Platt on 5th May 2018 at 01:14

Who needs friends when you have anemone's like that.

Comment by: Maureen on 5th May 2018 at 07:40

A simple but beautiful shot..another of those feast for the eyes photos,trust Mother Nature to provide it. Thank you David.

Comment by: Veronica on 5th May 2018 at 09:01

Star shaped petals greet the early morn,
Gentle winds stir ancient woodland scent,
Nodding heads in symphony before,
bowing to the shadows of night once more!

Lovely picture!

Comment by: irene roberts on 5th May 2018 at 09:21

It reminds me of the poem "Spring goeth all in white", or John Mills' comment as his character Ezra Fitton in one of my favourite films, The Family Way, "You can't beat Nature for Beauty, lad!" Thankyou for posting....that's a sight for sore eyes. x.

Comment by: Pat McC on 5th May 2018 at 14:47

Thank you for such a lovely photo David, the flowers are so delicate and beautiful.
I envy you Irene being able to quote poetry, I remember learning many poems for the ‘O’ level exams, learning them parrot-fashion; only two words stayed in my mind - “dulcet tones”, And I can’t even remember which poem those words were from. I enjoy the daily photos, but am getting to enjoy everyone.’s poetic input just as much. Thank you all,

Comment by: Ken R on 5th May 2018 at 17:00

Nice photo David, I used to have loads of trouble spelling and pronouncing "anemone" at school.

Comment by: Gordon d on 5th May 2018 at 22:03

I saw them make that film in Bolton Irene about 1966

Comment by: Veronica on 6th May 2018 at 07:32

It was fascinating to see the Town Hall steps with the lions on each side in the film. I only saw it once but that scene with Hayley Mills and Hywel Bennett on the steps stayed with me. There is no doubt the countryside around Bolton and Wigan is glorious.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 6th May 2018 at 16:46

I've just been having a look through 'IMDB The Family Way', and discovered that eleven Bolton locations had been used - you might be able to identify them all.

Comment by: Veronica on 6th May 2018 at 19:00

Yes I have looked Philip. I know Howel Croft and Knowsley St and remember where the Gas Works was but I'm not familiar with the other streets- probably long gone anyway. I didn't know Rochdale was used as a location either.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 6th May 2018 at 20:22

Glad you've maintained your interest in the film, etc. I don't know much about Bolton, other than having memories of visiting the town on a couple of occasions, as part of a four-hander, and of watching football matches at Burnden Park - the Nelson Square advert, on the far-side stand, must have been displayed for Donkey's Years. Give it to Nat!

Comment by: Veronica on 6th May 2018 at 23:09

I don't go to Bolton as much as I used to Philip - I prefer coming into Wigan on the train it's far easier. At one time I would go a couple of times a week - all the best shops have closed down anyway - apart from Debenhams and Marks. It seems like hard work now going to Bolton!
I used to like Whittakers and that lovely building is empty now. I feel more at home in Wigan even though it's not the same there either.

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th May 2018 at 16:59

Due to computer problems, I have only just read these posts. Another of my favourite films is Spring and Port Wine....my children grew up being able to almost recite it, we watched it so much! When my son got his first car at 17, (he is now 41), he took me to Bolton in it to show me the house where the family in the film "lived". Then he drove me to The Balcarres at Haigh where he proudly ordered two chip barms for us! I will never forget the landlord, leaning on the bar reading the rugby news in the paper, shouting through to the kitchen without even taking his eyes off the newspaper, "MARY!....Knock thisel' abeawt a bit....two chip barms"! We had to sit near the window in sight of the car so it wouldn't get pinched, which I was sure it wouldn't as every door was a different colour and it was like "Rafferty's Motor Car"...(two of the wheels are triangular and the third one's off a pram!). But oh! it was a Rolls Royce to Our Jamie and that wonderful day will live in my memory forever!

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 7th May 2018 at 18:57

I'd like to think that Dorothy would have had something constructive to say about Jamie's car, when seeing it for the first time.
Take care.

Comment by: Veronica on 7th May 2018 at 19:20

'Spring and Port Wine' was performed at St Joseph's Horwich and my daughter played the next door neighbour in the play at the time of her 'O'levels - she got a really good mark in Literature due to the play. She based her on my mam- it was hilarious! Bill Naughton's biographies are really good to read as well about his childhood in Bolton.

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th May 2018 at 19:26

Veronica, My daughter-in-law Beccy is from London and the first time she went to Bolton she rang her Mum and said, "Mum, I'm in a TOWN but I can see hills all around.....I'm looking at HILLS but I'm in A TOWN!"....She couldn't believe it!

Comment by: Veronica on 7th May 2018 at 20:22

That's why I am surprised that Rochdale was also used as a location Irene! Try to get Bill Naughton's book about his childhood in Bolton it's really good I KNOW you will enjoy it.

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th May 2018 at 20:25

I LOVE the next-door-neighbour, Betsy-Jane Duckworth, Veronica....."I'll show 'im 'e can't but ME wi' a bottle o' Guinness!".
Philip, Dorothy would have thought Jamie's car, (1970s mark 2 escort), was a Spring Chicken compared to her, (1959)! Peter is painting her the most beautiful shade of blue and touching up the cream. She will be a head-turner on sunny days! xx.

Comment by: Veronica on 7th May 2018 at 20:53

Irene - "Neither Use Nor Ornament" a 1920's Childhood. - Bill Naughton
Also "Saintly Billy". His boyhood both set in Bolton. Bet you would get them in Wigan library.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 7th May 2018 at 22:16

Thanks Irene. And take care!

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th May 2018 at 22:33

I have a feeling I read "Neither Use Nor Ornament" some years ago, Veronica, but not sure. However, "Saintly Billy" doesn't ring a bell at all.....I will look up both. You know how I love Edna MacCuish's book on Bolton in the twenties and thirties, "When All the World was Young"....never fails to make me laugh; what a talented amateur writer she was!
Philip, I'm sure you will recognise Dorothy should we ever pass you....please make sure you wave if you see us. x.

Comment by: Veronica on 7th May 2018 at 23:15

They may have known each other Irene! Although Edna lived in a much 'posher' house than Bill.!

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