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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 4th December, 2012)

Keep out of the shot!

Keep out of the shot!
Children surrounding the BBC film crew taken outside the Halifax in Wigan, and is a recording of a CBBC puppet show called Dodge. The woman with blonde hair, visable on the left of the shot was in charge of the shoot and kept shouting at the parents to keep their children out of the shot. She was surprisingly rude to them and as such I have named the photo - "keep out of the shot!"

Photo: Ben Cusick  (Nikon D7000)
Views: 4,559

Comment by: Micks on 4th December 2012 at 00:07

The kids should be holding there parents hands and not allowed to run around.

Anybody would be rude if they kept on doing it after they had been told once.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 4th December 2012 at 01:03

Gee if I was a kid in this situation all I would want to do is be in the shot!!! Otherwise nice pic Ben, cheers!

Comment by: Cyril. on 4th December 2012 at 12:11

Funny how the adults seem to be more enthralled by the puppet than their children are.

Comment by: cullie on 4th December 2012 at 13:12

nice camera it's nearly better than mine.

Comment by: Gary on 6th December 2012 at 15:23

Micks..their hands, not there hands.

Comment by: ben on 7th December 2012 at 00:06

be nice gary :P

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