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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 17th May, 2012)

South Stand

South Stand
Wigan Athletic fans in the South Stand at the DW Stadium celebrate the prospect of an eighth consecutive season in the Premiership. Photo taken at 3.08pm on Sunday 13th May.

Photo: John Greene  (Scanned from 35mm film Canon EOS 500N)
Views: 4,212

Comment by: Ken R on 17th May 2012 at 00:06

Nice delicious photo, seems like a good crowd. Is that a bacon barm he's eating????

Comment by: alan on 17th May 2012 at 02:07

I didn't know that many people were interested in sports. I went to a Latic's match once with my Dad.......bored the whole time !

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 17th May 2012 at 02:35

Why is soccer so popular? I`d sooner watch paint dry !!
Don`t watch RL either.

Comment by: Janice on 17th May 2012 at 07:15

Great capture John. Well done Wigan. Sadly my partner died 3 days before we knew that Wigan would be secure. He never lost the conviction though that they would survive and he would be so happy

Comment by: Fred Cunliffe on 17th May 2012 at 08:15

Ernest, watch Rugby union instead,if you can follow the ever changing rules it's a better game to watch.

Comment by: Dave Forshaw on 17th May 2012 at 10:21

I hate ALL sport! Waste of energy and all the money (and energy) could be put to much better use.
The UKs obsession with sport really baffles me.

Comment by: Bradshaws Girl on 17th May 2012 at 11:13

Janice....so sorry to hear your sad news.... hope you are O.K. God bless.

Comment by: Wigan3r on 17th May 2012 at 13:20

Surprised you didnt get a telling off by the stewards, last time I went to a match they pointed out the rules of the ground that no photography is allowed and confiscated my camera until after the game had finished!

Comment by: tricia on 17th May 2012 at 15:14

Very sorry to hear your sad news, Janice. I am thinking of you.Take care, and God Bless.

Comment by: Janice on 17th May 2012 at 15:24

Many thanks Bradshaws Girl. It is hard and I miss him but I have a lot of good friends and family so will get through this with time.

Wigan3r they can politely ask you to refrain from taking photos or ask you to leave the ground, but they cannot confiscate your camera or ask you to delete any photos. That is against the law.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 17th May 2012 at 16:15

Fred, I was full back and goal kicker for Wigan Junior Tech. RU team during the 1939-45 war; played home matches at Christopher Park in Standish Lower Ground. Jack Taylor was a centre threequarter--he signed for Wigan RL later and played on the wing. Those were the days of the leather ball with a lace on outside and it was extremely heavy when wet !!
RU is a players game and I`m surprised at the vast crowds they get for International matches.

Comment by: Jimmy R on 17th May 2012 at 17:59

To Fred Cunliffe, Watch rugby union you must be joking,its the worst game in the world, More stops than starts,I will never watch that horrible game, seen odd moments on TV that was more than enough, i very soon switched it OFF, More excitement watching grass grow.

Comment by: Roy on 17th May 2012 at 19:44

I agree with Jimmy R, ok the RL scrums are not quite what they were but it keeps the game moving. RU scrums take 3,4,5 attempts to set and then often end up in penalty for one team or the other with no actual scrum having taken place, they play about 50 minutes out of the 80. I,m a Warrior but well done to the Latics, a brilliant end to the season!

Comment by: Janice on 17th May 2012 at 19:54

Thanks Tricia

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 17th May 2012 at 20:07

Janice, I feel that you are taking it well and time is a great healer.

Comment by: B. Brad. on 17th May 2012 at 21:05

Very good photo, and glad for the Latics. Now, Jimmy R and Roy, tell me the rules of a RL scrum. Then tell me when did they see a scrum played under those rules. I am a RL fan, but you must admit, todays scrums are a joke, and the play-the-ball rules are ignored.Until RL get their house in order, dont pull the RU game to pieces.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 17th May 2012 at 22:03

B.Brad, This is becoming a well worn topic - refer Photo-a-Day 25th April`12.
Wikipedia gives Rule :-
"Scrum Further information: Scrum_(rugby)#Rugby_league
The scrum is formed by the 'front row' forwards of each side locking together, and 'packing down' to push against each other. The 'second row' forwards pack in behind the front rows, and the loose forward join the scrum at the back. The ball is "fed" through the legs of one of the props by the halfback, who normally then retrieves it again from the back of the scrum.

The scrum was traditionally used as a mechanism where the two teams compete for possession of the football; however this has since changed with the introduction of fair, but uncontested[5] scrums, where the ball is fed into the second row, instead of the first, all but eliminating an effective competition for the ball. Because of these changes the scrum serves to simply remove the forwards from the play for a period, thus creating more space for the backs to attack the depleted defensive line. This is intended to give advantage to the side that is awarded the scrum. It is very rare (but not completely unknown) for a team to win possession of the ball, despite not having the feed."
RL began to go downhill for me when the six tackle was introduced.

Comment by: Robin Leigh on 18th May 2012 at 01:13

John- Nice pic with a healthy crowd, thank you. To all the old moaners above- Knock it off! You're lucky you have a choice. Here in Florida, we have NFL football, which ought to be Rugby but the rules got lost in translation. They spend three quarters of the time standing around scratching their a...

Comment by: ChirpyG on 18th May 2012 at 23:06

Great photo. I am the person at the forefront with blue baseball cap. To Ken R It is in fact what they call in USA a Pulled Pork Sandwich and at that particular time of the day just what the doctor ordered. The lady to my left is my mother who has been a Latics fan for over 50yrs.

Comment by: jamie on 19th May 2012 at 00:10

hardly gonna forget this it was on my birthday

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