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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 30th September, 2011)

Wigan Hall / Old Rectory

Wigan Hall / Old Rectory
Wigan Hall / Old Rectory. 26th Sept 2011

Photo: Dave  (Nikon D700 - Nikon 24-70mm AF-S F/2.8)
Views: 5,916

Comment by: Art on 30th September 2011 at 00:51

Lovely pic

I used to pick Mr J Hopwood Sayer, the longest serving Coroner in England (I believe at the time..'68).
Transport him to WREI to view the Cadavers before the inquest with Sgt Green, (Coroners Officer)
Then sometimes on his orders,take body samples to the Police Forensic Lab at Euxton..

Comment by: Mick on 30th September 2011 at 09:36

Sounds like you had a very important job Art.

Comment by: Roy H on 30th September 2011 at 10:09

I nearly always find that a good shot is ruined with parked vehicles. There's no way round it but to wait until they have all gone. But you can't always do that. Time available and/or locked gates.

Comment by: Catherine on 30th September 2011 at 14:10

I've never seen the rectory and I used to go to the Deanery which is right next door.

Comment by: irene roberts on 30th September 2011 at 14:40

My daughter and her husband used to live in Frog Lane and they once wandered in through the gate, wondering what was there, and they were amazed to see the house. I have never seen it myself until this photo.

Comment by: dave marsh on 30th September 2011 at 15:40

I wandered in a few years ago and the incumbent as he called himself thought I was up to no good but I managed to convince him that I was just taking photos.Back in the 50's The Rector used to do a good bonfire and fireworks at the back of the house on November 5th.Nice to see it ,Oy.

Comment by: junie on 30th September 2011 at 19:46

this photo and comments have taken me right back to being 18 years old,when I was a lowly police cadet at Wigan.I used to help Sgt.Green and often took him a brew over to the coroners court.Mr.Hopwood Sayer used to write down a lot,which took time.I used to go to the mortuary in Sovereign Road with Tom Green,sounds ghoulish,but it wasn't-I actually learned a lot.Strange how a building can bring up a train of memories.

Comment by: Art on 1st October 2011 at 00:49

Junie, if you're familiar with the Boro' morgue in Sovereign Rd, you'll remember the old lady who ran it,lived in Dorning St...Mrs Williams. Lovely lady, frequented the Old Pear tree, as I did. She always knew when I'd been in on a late night delivery ;o)

Comment by: tony k on 23rd January 2012 at 15:53

i served the rectory when iwork for hansons dairies also served hopwood sayer he lived in the flat at the right hand side of the rectory with his wife i used to see him in a morning going to work emaculate dressed bowler hat and umbrella

Comment by: Brian on 27th April 2013 at 17:05

I went to the Bluecoat School opposite the Hall. I remember summer fetes in the grounds around the hall.I also remember seeing H Sayer regularly walking up Hallgate.Very thin very austere very smart.Didn't Mrs williams keep the sweet shop opposite the Deanery ?

Comment by: david on 28th September 2015 at 16:54

I remember Mrs Williams, after all these years I can still picture her.

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