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Warrington Road
Warrington Road
Photo: Geoff
Views: 1,470
Item #: 1669
Warrington Rd in the snow

Comment by: Geoff Hemsley on 6th January 2021 at 08:45

Photo Taken 31/12/20
Very Early morning scene and very rare to not see traffic driving on the road. Peaceful & Quiet watching the snow fall which is the first time in around 7yrs
The House on the right at the end of Warrington Road used to be a shop in the 70s & 80s . I cant remeber when it closed

Comment by: Eric R on 10th January 2021 at 04:55

Geoff, I remember the shop in the 1940's and early '50s. We used to buy our sweets there for a few pence on our way to and from St John's School. Always struck me has having a very dark interior.

Comment by: Geoff Hemsley on 10th January 2021 at 12:29

Hi Eric,
I dont remember the interior too much as the shop was out the way. We lived toward Park Lane on Warrington Rd. But to think of how many shops there were to what there is now is a massive decline

From the Top of Abram as i Can Remember we had the following in the 70s There may have even been a couple more

1 - Off License near the lights still there
2 - Chippy - Now Chineese (Umberella Row)
3 - Shop - Big white building next to the Old School - Library Behind - Gone
4 - Hairdressers on the corner across - Gone
5 - Shop - Across from the old School on the corner - Gone
6 - Top Shop - Still going after many changes
7 - Chineese Chippy at the Top
8 - Paper Shop at the bottom on the corner - Now Post Office
9 - Video Shop across on the corner - Gone
10 - Post Office - is still in use as another business
11 - Off License - Kingsdown Road/Egerton St - Gone
12 - Off License - Knocked Down, In front of Labour Club - Gone
13 - Maggie Robys on the same side as the Chemist - Gone
14 - Chemist still there
15 - Chippy - Still There
16 -Butchers - Gone
17 - Doctors Surgery - Still There
18 - Hardressers - Still There
19 - Hollands Shop/Off License Warrington Road left pas Park Lane (Gone)
20 - Shop - Bottom of Warrington road on the Left next to Bus Terminus

Time are really changed

Comment by: Eric R on 10th January 2021 at 17:28

Geoff - My second attempt.

Read through your list, and the only shops I can clearly recollect are the shop at the bus terminal subject of your photo, the butchers shop opposite Park Lane, which in my time was really a country lane giving access to The Maypole, the Labour Club, on he right just past Park Lane facing towards Abram Brow, the newsagents on the corner of Warrington Road, and Kingsdown Road, the doctors surgury half way up Abram Brow towards the Council Office, the resident being Dr Erskine during the 1940's and early '50's, followed by Dr Edmundson, the police station at the entrabce to the "rec" the little shop which sold everything opposite Lee Lane, and St John's School, and the farriers and blacksmiths place down the lane opposite the top entrance to the school. No chip shops, Chinese restaurants or hairdressers to my knowledge. There must still be folks around the place who hhave a better knowledge than myself, surely they can come alongside on this?

Comment by: Geoff Hemsley on 10th January 2021 at 21:23

Hi Eric
Aha no, no chineese restaurants
There is still a chineese chippy next to the lights, a Chineese Chippy at the top of the brow and these is still a chippy next to the chemist which has also been chineese for yrs. I didnt know there had been a doctors surgery near to the Abram Conservative Club. It was Joan who ran the Butchers and there were a couple of chairs in there where women would sit and talk. The Police Stn is/was on St John St near the council offices.
I have also missed off the Hairdressers across from the Buckshead and the Pie Shop across from the church. Yes small shop across from Lee lane IN FACT my Aunty told me today there was one on the other corner also which is now a small car park

Comment by: Gareth Cheetham on 15th March 2021 at 11:31

The ex video shop opposite the newsagents was previously 'Julies' hardware shop. Julie sold just about everything under the Sun, and was a lovely woman. I wonder what happened to her, as she was still a young woman when she sold the shop to Tony our old milkman who opened it up as 'Target' video...he also had a shop withe same name at Platt Wazz, near Bob Leyland newsagents...

Comment by: Gareth Cheetham on 15th March 2021 at 11:32

The ex video shop opposite the newsagents was previously 'Julies' hardware shop. Julie sold just about everything under the Sun, and was a lovely woman. I wonder what happened to her, as she was still a young woman when she sold the shop to Tony our old milkman who opened it up as 'Target' video...he also had a shop withe same name at Platt Wazz, near Bob Leyland newsagents...

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