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Photo: Eric
Views: 3,538
Item #: 27377
Plenty of these smoked in wigan

Comment by: Jonno on 4th January 2016 at 01:24

Is that the open top five pack ?

Comment by: Mick on 4th January 2016 at 08:03

I wonder why they named a cig after a nice flower

Comment by: Albert. on 4th January 2016 at 10:05

Eric. No photographs of a packet of Pasha, or Grand Turk. Oh my, the smell from their tobacco put you off smoking them. Are they still in production.?

Comment by: Roy on 4th January 2016 at 10:49

Woodbine is the name for a series of plants Mick, including my own favourite, the beautiful smelling honeysuckle.

Comment by: A.W. on 4th January 2016 at 11:13

I heard that at one time Woodbines were distributed free on the NHS to anybody who wore a flat cap.

Comment by: Alan B on 4th January 2016 at 11:46

Albert, I owe a lot to Pasha, I tried a fag or two as a schoolboy and after Pasha I was put off for life.

Comment by: Mick on 4th January 2016 at 12:38

Roy I know its a plants name but still unusual to call cigs after flowers.
Imagine if the brewerys named there ale after flowers and you had to ask for 2 pints of rose and half pint of pansy when you are getting a round in.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 4th January 2016 at 13:42

For history etc.of woodbines see:-
I smoked my last woodbine cigarette on Bolton Municipal golf course in March 1964 when I was 36. I had an operation to remove cancer from my stomach in April 2009.


Comment by: Eddie. on 4th January 2016 at 15:16

How about ' Sweet Afton ' Mick? They were named after a Scottish river, or ' Passing Clouds ' ?. If the breweries had gone down that route, you could have been ordering two pints of Mersey and a half of Cumulonimbus.

Comment by: Albert. on 4th January 2016 at 15:29

Mick. There was once a Flower's Brewery in Cheltenham, it is no more though, like so many other good breweries, names of the past. Flower�s Brewery was founded in 1831 by Edward Fordham Flower. .... was closed in 1968 and production transferred to Whitbread's Cheltenham brewery.

Comment by: John G on 4th January 2016 at 15:33

Mick:You could have it the other way you could have a pansy asking for a pint of rose's.

Comment by: Lyndon on 4th January 2016 at 15:39

If you remember You, Mark and Me once bought 20 Passing Clouds between us from, I think Potters, next to the railway line in Bryn. If memory serves it was a pinkish coloured pack with a picture of the "Laughing Cavalier" on the front.

Comment by: John G on 4th January 2016 at 15:45

Eddie: A few years ago I did a charity bath tub race in the Mersey and I don't recommend having a pint of it, and as for the other one Columbus do da after about five pints you would be unable to Oder it.

Comment by: Eric on 4th January 2016 at 17:37

It's the 10 pack Jonno

Comment by: Alan H on 4th January 2016 at 18:59

Anybody remember Camel cigs? Put me off for life.

Comment by: Eddie on 4th January 2016 at 20:15

We used to call in one of the shops at the top of the hill in beech hill after coming out of school,the st john fisher,get outspent panda and head for beech hill valley to smoke them.

Comment by: deano on 4th January 2016 at 20:50

eddie going mad because the last eddie isn't the same eddie as the first you get me

Comment by: Ozymandias. on 4th January 2016 at 21:51

Hiya Lyndon, for the record, this is my new name, Ozymandias, but seeing as how we go back a long way, you may feel free to call me Ozzy. There are just too many Eddies on this site now and it can get very confusing. I remember buying the Passing Clouds, but in my memory, they were purchased down Ashton, in a shop on the corner of Gerrard street and Wigan road. Their distinguishing feature was the fact that they were ovoid in cross section as opposed to being circular. In fact, they bore an uncanny resemblance to a packet of squashed Players. all the best mate, I'll probably see you in the ' Buck ' in due course. Regards Ozzy.

Comment by: Ozymandias on 4th January 2016 at 22:16

John G, should I ever decide to set up my own micro brewery, I would name the first brew ' Columbus Do Da ' in your honour. What a cracking name for pint. " A pint of Mersey please, a pint and a half of Columbus do da, a packet of pork scratchings and a bottle of O2.". No, keep the change......no, I insist....Incidentally, a pint of ' Mersey ' would probably taste better than the stuff they keep serving me over the road.

Comment by: John G on 4th January 2016 at 23:01

Ozymandias: I'am very glad you like my name for Eddies new brew, but don't for get to have a couple of shorts the do da days just to finish off the night, Happy new year.

Comment by: G .W. on 5th January 2016 at 04:38

Oo'h Eddie , i mean Ozzy, i mean Ozymandias. It sounds like a Las Vagas lion tamer. For my records are you that Eddie or the new Eddie in town?

Comment by: G .W. on 5th January 2016 at 06:05

And your thinking of starting your own brewery ..We should arm wrestle!

Comment by: A.W on 5th January 2016 at 08:06

Alan H. I gave up smoking a few years ago but I used to smoke Camel regularly and Chesterfield which were very similar. As far as I know both are still available.

Comment by: Jonno on 5th January 2016 at 10:14

Should have realised Eric, the open top 5 pack was a 'paper' one this is obviously cardboard.

Comment by: Caroalaen on 5th January 2016 at 10:34

Albert / Mick. The old Flowers (Whitbread) Brewery in Cheltenham is long gone and is now a shopping mall as bland as them al. My wife and I were there in June and Don't think we'll be going back. Flowers bitter is still being brewed but under contract by Brains in Cardiff. Anyway my main reason for posting is that there is a Wigan /Flowers connection. In the 1960s Flowers used to be on sale in the Grand Hotel in Dorning Street., and I think was the only place for miles where it was on sale. It was keg rather than real however (Days before CAMRA took off) when keg was very popular. It was a real magent for a certain group of WGS pupils who used to frequent the place , particularly on Saturday nights when there was a dance downstairs as well. On another day- just before we left school a bunch of us were heading into the door when we spotted a certain Mr Merriman (the Headmaster) about to come out. We beat a hasty retreat. Happy days

Comment by: Ozymandias. on 5th January 2016 at 11:46

I'm not sure which Eddie I am to be honest GW, I'm as confused as you are, hence the name change, but as I've only lived in Wigan for the last 30 years, I guess that would make me the new kid on the block. But while I'm on here, and to get away from ale for a bit and back to cigs, does anyone remember those big long cigs called ' Joysticks ' ? They were about ten inches long and your vest shifted up your back a few inches every time you took a drag on one. We would normally buy them individually, but on one memorable occasion I went mad and bought a whole box of ten. Cheers. Ozzy.

Comment by: Albert. on 5th January 2016 at 15:26

Caroalaen. I remember drinking Flowers beer in The Grand Hotel. I had forgotten about it until you reminded me. It was a good pint

Comment by: eddie on 5th January 2016 at 19:11

Pasha where the best cigs on the market,when you where 14 years old a penny each and all the class got a puff

Comment by: eddie on 5th January 2016 at 19:16

Woodbine cigarettes,was famous for burning the back of your throat out.

Comment by: Maureen on 5th January 2016 at 19:38

My Dad used to call them coffin nails..but he still smoked them..as a c

My Dad used to call them coffin nails,but he still smoked them..when I was a little un he worked for Fina Products in Blackpool,stayed the week and came home at weekends..Saturday morning I would come downstairs and smell his Woodbines..he was home..bliss.

Comment by: Ged on 5th January 2016 at 19:41

When i was at school we bought Turf, Bar One, & Abdula + a lot of other brands that soon went off the market,we could only get Woodbine's if we bought a pack of Pasha,That was in the late 40s- 50s.

Comment by: Maureen on 5th January 2016 at 20:00

Ozyman,that quip about your vest riding up really tickled me..I keep imagining it.

Comment by: Steve on 5th January 2016 at 20:41

I remember during the war to buy five Woodbines you had to buy five Pasha. We used to call them "coffin nails"

Comment by: Marie on 7th January 2016 at 19:26

When me and my friend worked in the factory at Rochdale age 15 we used to chuck in for 5 woodbines or bar one i cant remember how much they were i think was 7d

Comment by: Johnny on 8th January 2016 at 11:55

I remember as a lad buying these (5 in an open pack). I didn't smoke but they were great for enticing sexual favours from girls. (I'll give u a ciggie to kop a feel).

Comment by: Johnny on 8th January 2016 at 11:56

I remember as a lad buying these (5 in an open pack). I didn't smoke but they were great for enticing sexual favours from girls. (I'll give u a ciggie to kop a feel).

Comment by: Ozymandias. on 8th January 2016 at 13:07

Did it work Johnny ? and if so, was it just Woodbines or will anything do ? The reason I ask you see, is that I was just about to nip down to the paper shop anyway and I'm prepared to give anything a go, at least once anyway.

Comment by: Albert. on 8th January 2016 at 14:42

Johnny. You must have made many a conquest. Did you get many repeat performances, as it seems evidently so.

Comment by: G .W. on 8th January 2016 at 21:03

Good one Albert!!

Comment by: Johnny on 9th January 2016 at 10:35

It did work often Ozy at Upholland Secondary in 1963/64. Judith Vaughan, Maggie Kay and Sandra Duckworth will testify :-)

Comment by: Johnny on 9th January 2016 at 10:40

Repeat performances were common Albert. Thats the addiction of tobacco and a handsome face to boot!

Comment by: Albert. on 9th January 2016 at 14:49

Johnny. Your modesty in relation to your sexual prowess, appears to be one of your characteristics, or maybe I have got that wrong?.

Comment by: Albert. on 9th January 2016 at 15:25

A little story in relation to cigarettes. Two very elderly ladies were seated on a bench in the park. It started to rain. One of the ladies opened her handbag and took out a long joystick cigarette. She then took out a tubular item made of a very fine fabric(Gossamer.) One end was sealed, so she cut a small hole into it. She then inserted her cigarette into the tube so that most of it was covered from the effects of the rain. The other lady, Hilda ( a spinster) said. "What a marvellous idea, Sally, where do you get those from.?" Reply. "Any chemist, ask for a packet of three" This other lady went to the nearest chemist. She made her request to the male assistant. He was taken aback noting her age. He said. " Have you any size in mind.?" Hilda didn't smoke joysticks, she replied. "Just so long as they will fit a camel" The assistant was speechless.

Comment by: Johnny on 10th January 2016 at 11:44

Mam and Dad smoked these.
"Run down to shop and get me a pack of Woodies, lad" still rings in my ears!

Comment by: Ozymandias. on 10th January 2016 at 14:07

Johnny, I'd like to wager, if Judith, Maggie or Sandra read this, you'll have something else ringing in your ears mate.

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