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higher ince may queen


Ince May Queen 1952
Ince May Queen 1952
Photo: Colin Rowlands
Views: 4,155
Item #: 7717
Ince May Queen walking in the Ince Parish Church walks.
L to R
Colin Rowlands, Roy Barton, Graham Kellie,Graham Pearson, Jackie Osborne, Sandra Gostello.

Comment by: irene on 24th October 2008 at 18:51

colin, do you know where photo was taken?

Comment by: geoff on 6th November 2008 at 22:01

great photo colin.i did,nt know you was an incer.you hav,nt changed a bit!.

Comment by: Graham Pearson on 16th November 2008 at 14:49

Thanks for reminding me Colin! I do remember one other lad, left of Graham Kelly was Michael Brogan, but don't remember the other two at the back. Think the photo might have been taken coming down Ince Green Lane as I remember some houses having steps up to the front door!

Comment by: Val on 18th February 2009 at 18:22

So this is what my favourite cousin used to get up !
Pretty dapper eh?

Comment by: Eileen Thorpe (Radcliffe) on 30th March 2016 at 19:31

What a lovely photo!I was a maid of honour on that day, I have a photo somewhere of the other maids,I remember all of you on the the photo, I seem to recall the other maids of honour were June Southworh, Eveline Molyneaux,Christine Roperand a couple more, I must find it and share it.I ran into Sandra Costello a while back, see Graham Kellie's wife Joan(Topping)occasionally, heard Colin Rowland's had sadly passed away,how are the rest of you out there

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