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grandma and grandad dutch
grandma and grandad dutch
Photo: alison hockey
Views: 3,449
Item #: 30069
my grandparent's photo must have been taken before 1965 as i never met my grandad. the pants he is wearing probably dates it better

Comment by: walt (north yorks) on 13th January 2018 at 12:25

Alison, what a lovely photo, I would guess it was taken in the 1940s or maybe the 1950s. A good reminder for you to keep. I have both sets of grandparents photo's in an album along with all the information I could gather. Thanks for sharing.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 13th January 2018 at 12:39

I am no expert but the ladies outfit looks like the late 50s, maybe the very early 60s.....but the mans trousers look like Oxford Bags, the style of wide trouser legs favoured in the 1920 & 30s...a puzzle. Irene could you put a date on it ?

Comment by: irene roberts on 13th January 2018 at 12:44

The lady's dress and handbag suggest 1950s/early 1960s to me, but that's just a guess. Your Grandad's suit could well be older than that, as men tended to keep suits "for best" and they lasted many years, and men weren't so bothered about fashions as the ladies were! Were your Grandma and Grandad from Ince, Alison? I remember some Dutch's from Higher Ince.

Comment by: irene roberts on 13th January 2018 at 13:14

Helen, thankyou for asking my opinion on the date of the clothes! Actually, I had just added a post but I must have just missed the uploading of it, so it should come on soon. xx.

Comment by: tom on 13th January 2018 at 13:56

allison were they from wigan Tom

Comment by: Theresa Reeves on 13th January 2018 at 18:42

Was this lady from Liverpool and lived in ince by any chance,it an unusual name ?

Comment by: irene roberts on 13th January 2018 at 19:09

How odd that someone else has made the Ince connection. I had a schoolfriend, Christine, whose mother Esther was a Dutch before marriage and I remember Christine had Aunties and Cousins named Dutch.

Comment by: alison hockey on 13th January 2018 at 19:32

yes you are all right . my grandma and grandad came over from liverpool and lived inhr ince on windermere road. they had 13 children but one died aged 5 the others lived normal life spans really. ester was my aunt and had christine jaquline and tony. there last name was shirley. maple avenue. my mum was joan dutch not to be mistaken by joan dutch who was billy dutch wife who owned the shop in the grove. her mum was marth ellen and i think she was my grandmas half sister, grandma dutch was nee potts related to other potts in ince.

Comment by: irene roberts on 14th January 2018 at 12:08

I went in your Grandma's house in Windermere Road many times with Christine. My Aunty and Uncle, Rachel and Harry Aspey, lived just further up than your grandparents. I remember the name "Martha-Ellen" but can't picture the shop. although I vividly remember the new shop being built in The Grove.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 14th January 2018 at 18:39

I remember my Mum mentioning Mrs Dutch but not sure where they lived in Ince.

Comment by: joan austin on 16th January 2018 at 19:37

Well I stay in South Africa since 1982 to my surprise one of my dear school friend Theresa sent me a message tonight to say that my there was a picture of my Grandma & Grandad Dutch how awesome is that. I went into Wigan World and who but my Grandma and Grandad. My mum was one of 13 siblings my Mums name was May Dutch her married name was Whimpanny my Mum was married to John Whimpanny my Dad he had a window cleaning round all Over Higher Ince and Lower Ince and in many other parts of Wigan my Dad was well know and liked he was a lovely Dad kind and caring Dad My Mums sister were Aunty Agnus she emigrated to America in her younger days, there was Alice,May was my Mam,Mary,Joan, Esther, Emily the boys were Billy, Joey, Jackie,Robert my other uncle cant just think of his name he lived on the way going to beech hill any way could tell many a tale growing up going to me Grandma she was a lovely kind grandma always had a sweet in her cupboard when we visited which was every week me Mam would go up, especially after me Grandad passed. If you get chance Alison drop me a mail or any other cousins reading this and there are many about I'm sure of that with all the 12 brothers and sister only Aunty Alice didn't have children and she passed many years ago Love and best wishes to all the off springs of the Dutches Clan God Bless x

Comment by: irene roberts on 16th January 2018 at 21:49

Joan. I was a childhood friend of Esther's daughter Christine and I remember a relative in America, (Agnes?), sending Esther a most beautiful scarf, (more like a stole), of silk or chiffon with "Esther" embroidered on it....I think other ladies in the family got one with THEIR name on, too. I remember when Christine's, (and your?), Grandad was in his last days, and there was a notice on the door in Windermere Road saying "Please do not knock as Mr. Dutch is very ill"....isn't it odd what sticks in the memory?

Comment by: joan austin on 17th January 2018 at 16:54

Hello Irean nive you knew some of the family, my Aunty Esther who lived in between higher Ince and Lower Ince, lived not far from me Uncle Billy the brother who had the shop. I know Jane the daughter emigrated to new Zealand many Uncle Tony her husband ust to work for me Dad on the window ha ha many moons ago I remember Christine and Jacoleen was the youngest and they had a brother Tony wonder where all the Dutch off springs are nice chatting. Would be lovely if any of the cousins got in touch thanks for the chit chat was great x

Comment by: irene roberts on 17th January 2018 at 22:27

Hello Joan. Christine and I exchange Christmas Cards each year and I saw her a couple of years ago outside the Supermarket in Hindley, and on the odd times I see her it is as if the years between have never existed! I'm sure someone in her family must be able to access Wigan World and I will drop her a line and tell her I have "spoken" to you, and tell her how to reach the Wigan World Album. Christine lived in Raven Street which, along with Farmer Street, formed "The Viaducts" area of Ince when we were children, (we called it "The Viredocks"). When the old houses were demolished, they were replaced by new houses, including Maple Avenue, ( where Esther and Tony and their family moved to). I lived next to St. William's Church and Christine and I must have travelled between those homely old houses a dozen times a day, as well as going to your Grandad's straight from school. Happy Days, Joan! x

Comment by: joan austin on 18th January 2018 at 17:12

Hi Irean
Lovely yo hear from you when you mentioned the viaduks the name I heard before must of been from my childhood, would be nice if you could mention me to Christine when you next hear or see her. Thank for the feedback was nice to hear from you kind regards

Comment by: irene roberts on 18th January 2018 at 20:31

Letter on its way to Christine as we speak, Joan! x.

Comment by: alison hockey nee smith on 19th January 2018 at 06:27

joan since all the elders of the family have died we cousins have connected on Facebook. if you are on facebook send Alison Hockey a friends request and i will put you in touch with some of the cousins

Comment by: Cassi gibson on 2nd September 2022 at 09:29

So lovely and interesting to be reading this, Emily dutch was my grandma :)

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