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Wigan Infirmary Nursing Staff


Wigan Infirmary Children’s Ward
Wigan Infirmary Children’s Ward
Photo: David Molyneaux
Views: 3,485
Item #: 32941
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary children’s ward (Upper Johnson) circa 1940s

Comment by: Geoffrey Hodgkinson on 13th February 2021 at 20:23

I was there for 6 weeks, as a 6 year old, after breaking my leg in a road accident on 3rd December 1953. Still have the nightmares!

Comment by: Linma on 14th February 2021 at 06:41

On and off spent many a time in there with a grumbling appendix which eventually burst. Gave me an enema then sent me home until they left it too late and I nearly popped my clogs.

Comment by: Barrie on 15th February 2021 at 09:21

Spent my 5th birthday in there having my tonsils removed (1950). A vague memory of port hole windows in the main doors. Parents told they couldn't see me because I was very ill. Next day they collected me early morning and came home in a taxi. (According to my family). What I do remember was the ice cream that I had to be given after the op. That is the only time I was in RAEI as a patient. Linda ,I'm glad you didn't pop your clogs. Where did that expression come from? same as "kicking the bucket"

Comment by: Pw on 15th February 2021 at 09:39

Bad memories of this place and being on some sort of veranda for over a week,the nurses were horrible,put me off hospitals for life.

Comment by: Veronica on 15th February 2021 at 12:30

My brother as a toddler got pneumonia ( late forties) and had the last rites. I was always asking -
" Where's Terry ?" Overnight he 'turned a corner' and got better, one of the nurses became quite attached to him, so I'm told. I never stayed in hospital fortunately, but he seemed to go in for various reasons, tonsils, appendicitis and the pneumonia left him with poor hearing. He always seemed to be going to the Infirmary for one thing or another. I was always jealous ( horrible child) because neighbours would send chocolate etc for him, to be taken up to the Infirmary. Memories of childhood always stay with you and seem easier to remember.

Comment by: Ann Armstrong on 19th February 2021 at 10:27

I was in there as a child 1960, visiting so strict, never saw my Dad for a week because he was at work and couldn't get there during visiting time.

Comment by: Linma on 20th February 2021 at 12:19

Those of you that remember so well, because I was so poorly I was in intensive care (the bed next to the sister’s desk). On the wall opposite was a clock and I used to watch the fingers go round. I was only allowed less than a quarter of an inch of water on the hour and if I get really thirsty you can guarantee I can still see that clock.

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