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Whelley Secondary School


Class 3A c.1962/3
Class 3A c.1962/3
Views: 5,726
Item #: 17541
A class photo taken 1962 or 3? Eileen Schofield first left, front row.

Comment by: JohnAlan on 10th September 2011 at 15:06

On the photo: Alan Stretch, George Leech, Tom Wynnard, Tommy Fairhurst, Brenda Carter, Maureen Parker, Norman Crosston. Teacher is Mr Miller

Comment by: JohnAlan on 10th September 2011 at 15:10

A couple more names: Harold Mercer, Chritine Ormrod, Susan Ashurst?

Comment by: Harold Mercer on 30th December 2012 at 23:28

If I remember correct, I can fill in a few names here :-
Back Row, ? Kevin Sinclair, Momad Abdul Aziz (Zapher), Alan Stretch, ? Kenny Bell, ? ?
2nd Row, Richard Wrench, Myself, Andy Fishwick, ? George Leach, ? Tom Fowler, Tommy Fairhurst, David Haywood, Jimmy Bolton
3rd Row, ? Moureen Parker ? ? Susan Ashurst
Front Row, Eileen Scholfield, ? Joyce Carr, Mr Miller, Katherine Lowe, ? Christine Ormshaw

I can rember the faces of others but not the names, it would be nice if someone could fill in the blanks. Brenda carter 's name has been mentioned but I'm unsure if Breda is in this photo.

Comment by: Eileen on 29th May 2013 at 22:10

Can fill in some.
Back row first one on left Alan Baldwin
3rd row Kathleen Taylor, Maureen Parker,?,Christine Hoy,Susan Ashurst.
Front row. me, Jennifer Nixon, Joyce Carr, Mr Miller, Katherine Lowe, Maureen Myres, Christine Ormshaw.
Can't think more names faces yes.

Comment by: Keith McNab on 7th May 2018 at 08:08

Yes, this is Class 3A from 1962/63. I'm 3rd row, 4th from left. This was my last year at Whelley as I passed the 14-plus and was transferred to the Grammar School in 1963. Instead of leaving Whelley with zero qualifications, I went on to get a degree at university and became a civil engineer. Amazing how life can take a sudden turn.

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