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Warrington Lane


Navigation Inn, Warrington Road
Navigation Inn, Warrington Road
Photo: Dennis Miller
Views: 4,136
Item #: 25112
This is really a repost of a photograph posted by Allan Greenwood in January 2009. Again, it is a companion photograph to the Warrington Lane shop posted recently. The Navigation Inn on Britannia Bridge is in the background.

Comment by: Rubyshoes. on 9th April 2014 at 08:43

My mother forbid us to swim in the dog broth, as she called it.lol.

Comment by: Alan H on 9th April 2014 at 10:04

My Uncle James drowned in this lock aged 5 about 1905.

Comment by: Colin Barnes on 9th April 2014 at 11:23

Dennis, Where was the"Big Rock"pub in association with this photo?. Another classic for the wigan world family.

Comment by: AB on 9th April 2014 at 11:39

I shudder to think of it now. But as lads we used to walk across the top of the lock gates and this lock was the scene of a tragedy about 1941 when 3 lads drowned in this very lock two brothers named Dewhurst and a lad named Boardman and I remember the attempts by a number of men trying to save them and witnessing them being pulled out. But I still played in and around the canal afterwards. Embarrassing to me now but drownings and accidents were common place in those days

Comment by: Albert on 9th April 2014 at 12:01

Colin. As far as I remember. If you went to the main Road, and turned left, you pass the Shepherd's Arms, then go under the railway bridge. On the right was the New Inn. At one time a family named Groves had the New Inn. Further up the road, on the same3 side was The Big Rock pub. Further along on the left hand side was the Rock Ferry, or Little Rock. It is fifty odd years, since I lived in Lower Ince.

Comment by: JohnB on 9th April 2014 at 16:46

Your comments ring true with me AB, even as a casual visitor to my grandparents house in Clarington Grove in the 1940’s, at the bottom which was the canal, I would see the occasional child or indeed children running up the Grove on their way home having had “a brush with death” as their dripping wet clothes testified. Even my own mother, I learned many years later, had herself been rescued from drowning as a young girl from the canal - no wonder it was drummed into me that I should stay well away from the water.

Comment by: aitch on 9th April 2014 at 21:33

You have it spot on Albert big rock still in situ, but not in use, little rock is up and running but the labour club has gone the way of the others around wigan derelict,

Comment by: Albert. on 10th April 2014 at 21:04

Hi Aitch. Sorry to learn about the Labour Club. My mother, (Dolly), as a widow, spent many happy hours there.

Comment by: allan Greenwood on 14th April 2014 at 14:32

The child jumping into the canal was myself. The man catching me (because I could not swim at the time) was my uncle Arthur.

Comment by: Eric Bulpitt on 22nd June 2014 at 10:39

Looks like the jumper was wearing a cossy made of his dads old woolen jersey, I was taught how to swim in the canal a bit further down near fhe railway bridge it was called sandy bottoms

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