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Tupperware  Packers
Tupperware Packers
Photo: Keith Fox
Views: 3,219
Item #: 15138
Girls at Work

Comment by: Christine Ward on 23rd June 2010 at 22:21

It was lovely to see this photo` as it took me back to 1963 when I had my first Tupperware party, newly married, and the whole street crowded in. That was a great success and as the years went on I bought tons of the stuff. I never could get the hang of the Yorkshire pudding shaker, it always came out lumpy. Then I got my beautiful Bella, a german Shepherd, who learned to open the cupbord door and chewed up the lot in one afternoon. That dog was the love of my life and I still miss her after all these years.God Bless her.

Comment by: margaret on 24th June 2010 at 23:10

what year would this be? i worked there when i left school in 1969.how the photo brought back memories.i think i know some of the girls but not sure

Comment by: denise on 24th August 2010 at 21:40

i worked in the packing department in 1975-1980 looking at the picture above brings back plenty memories

Comment by: Pat on 9th June 2013 at 19:42

I worked in packing for over 10 years did anyone ever get training in a training room ..... you got stood at the side of the belt shown once and told to keep up that was that.

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