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Triangle Valve v Padua  programme
Triangle Valve v Padua programme
Views: 3,858
Item #: 28642
Programme for the Rugby League match between Triangle Valve and Padua (Italy) dated 29th August 1960.
Thanks to Neil Caine for the loan of the programme

Comment by: John on 10th November 2016 at 23:06

A bit of rugby history. Was the Padua loose forward Rossi by any chance the Toni Rossi who played a few games for Wigan around 1958?

Comment by: Jinksi. on 10th November 2016 at 23:19

Remember Tony Rossi playing for Wigan but can't remember for how long.Any old fans remember Chuck Wiseman ,think he played American Football before coming to Wigan think he broke a leg didn't play again.

Comment by: John on 10th November 2016 at 23:44

Jinksy, Tony/Toni Rossi played 4 games for Wigan towards the end of the 1957-58 season, at prop forward. He did ok as far as I remember.

Comment by: Jim Latham on 11th November 2016 at 00:50

Full back was Blackledge.
Was that Dickie Blackledge?

Comment by: RON HUNT on 11th November 2016 at 09:56

Mentioning Chuck Wiseman. I have recently been over to America and one day in a bar the TV was showing an American Football game, some big game as there were plenty of people in watching,In typical American "HEY LOOK AT ME I'M HAVING A GOOD TIME" fashion they were all Yeahhing Wowing etc. During a break in the game, which appears to be every two minutes, I got talking with a couple of guys at the bar, about the game we play back home i.e. Rugby League, No Padding, 40 mins each half, No breaks in play,, No swapping and changing players to suit various plays, Kick the goal in line from where the "Touch Down" was scored. I said My wife could kick goals from in front of the post. They didn't like it.. but as I had now had a couple of pints I was in FULL SWING <g> I ended up by telling them one of their STAR players a few years ago ( I didn't actually say it was probably 50+ years ago) named Chuck Wiseman came over to play for my local team. I think he played one reserve game and caught the next plane home. I noticed that one guy was a carrying a firearm. So I thought I had better shut up...

Comment by: Roy on 11th November 2016 at 14:42

Ron, Chuck Wiseman came to England and first played RU at Wigan Old Boys,Prospect Park, he was a flying machine. He went to WRLFC i think he had a trial, but his demands were too great, he then went to Blackpool Borough, stayed there a while, said he liked the town, it reminded him of a place back home. PS, does a passage of play last two minutes ? i think you're exaggerating.

Comment by: Broady on 11th November 2016 at 15:26

Ron, I have them wound up here with my comments on baseball. I tell them we used to call it rounders and it was normally played by the girls and even they didn't have a big glove to catch the ball.

Comment by: Bill on 11th November 2016 at 17:22

Chuck Wiseman was never a star at Rugby League and as getting no farther than American college football at which he wasn't a success,he came to try his hand at Rugby!

Comment by: Fred on 11th November 2016 at 20:04

Some names if my memory serves me right 1 Terry blackledge 2 Eric baggaley 5 Bobby arrowsmith 7 Dereck Prescott 8 Ernie shaw 9 Raymond fairhurst 12 could be Jimmy price (Joes brother) can anybody else fill any more in memories not as it was

Comment by: Bill on 11th November 2016 at 20:19

Chuck Wiseman was never a star at Rugby League and as getting no farther than American college football at which he wasn't a success,he came to try his hand at Rugby!

Comment by: Bill on 18th November 2016 at 16:52

I had a drink with the stand off Lol Meehan,at a bar in Fuerteventura yesterday,great reminiscing about sport in Wigan in days gone by.

Comment by: Mr Brian Rigby on 29th November 2016 at 18:58

Fullback Terry not his brother Richard

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