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Wigan Album

Thilwind family.

1 Comment

A day out to the seaside.
A day out to the seaside.
Photo: Brian Thilwind
Views: 1,621
Item #: 25059
I can just remember going to the seaside with my Aunt & Uncle & Cousins, and my Uncle drove the bus. I don't know how long it took but I bet it was dark when we got back.

Comment by: DerekB on 3rd April 2014 at 16:49

Webster Bros coaches - a blast from the past! Bill Webster, who owned the company, lived next door in Greenhill to some fairly well to do relatives of ours and I always remember as a kid that he drove a massive Buick. I think they were taken over by Smiths which over the decades morphed into Smith Shearings.

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