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St Patricks RC Church, Hardybutts,Wigan


St Pat's church 1980's
St Pat's church 1980's
Views: 3,665
Item #: 28229
Thanks to Trevor Smith( Smith's Book Shop) for the photograph.

Comment by: Vb on 13th August 2016 at 14:35

If anybody asked 'where do you come from?'. The reply was always St.Pat's Scholes said with pride. As far as I was concerned it was the centre of the Universe! To see it now still standing 'proud' even without the old community around about fills me sadness. As soon as the bell rang on Sundays droves of people descended on the church coming in all directions! It was standing room only if you were on the last minute. St Pat's day was awash with shamrock and Whit Monday was the penultimate day in the church calendar and another story. All those days gone but not forgotten.

Comment by: Joseph on 14th August 2016 at 11:07

I agree, VB. Sadly the congregations have dwindled there, the walks are no more and to put a top hat on the matter the parish priest is an ex married man with children. I can almost hear Father Lapin groan at the thought.

Comment by: Agnes on 15th August 2016 at 12:03

The present parish priest is a widower.

Comment by: Vb on 15th August 2016 at 17:36

We have to be glad nowadays Joseph if we have a priest at all the way things are. I have no objections if a priest has been married previously and widowed as they can bring so much more to their ministry having had experience of married life.

Comment by: Joseph on 15th August 2016 at 20:36

He isn't a nice person and not a good priest to be honest, I have witnessed the way he's spoken to elderly people and heard him use four letter words that would make a trooper blush. He's also refused to Christen children who's parents are not married thus denying the child the right of Christian initiation into that church. Good priests would not and do not do this.

Comment by: Vb on 16th August 2016 at 07:55

Sounds like some very strong letters need to be sent off Joseph -the Church is for the people after all.

Comment by: Joseph on 16th August 2016 at 15:40

He has been told by elders of the parish, VB. His actions have also been noted, but I fear the lack in church attendance these days are allowing a blind eye to be turned.

Comment by: Jonno on 17th August 2016 at 10:37

As far as i'm concerned ALL clergy should be allowed to marry, as Ab says it would give them a greater insight into family life, and, if you'll excuse me, stop most of the 'shenanigans' that go on.

Comment by: Albert. on 21st August 2016 at 11:08

Jonno. A great many people hold the same sentiments. A consideration that has to be taken into account is the doctrine of the Catholic Church, in respect of birth control. If married priest kept to the doctrine, and as a priest, they should, then the wages of priests' would have to be considerably more, than at present, to cater for their family needs. This couldn't be a ruling just for this country, but for the universal Catholic Church. Although I suspect the church wealth is considerable, I do not believe it could cater for such a large financial burden.

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