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Springs Branch


Springs Branch Turntable
Springs Branch Turntable
Photo: aitch
Views: 3,397
Item #: 21077
As requested, a photo of the turntable at the branch taken by Allan Heyes in 1964, I apologise to the owner of the shot, but it will allow the photo to be seen, also compliments to Chris Coates for his excellent book about the branch whens the next one due Chris

Comment by: cullie on 23rd July 2012 at 18:04

two years before i were born . them were the days .

Comment by: Stephen on 23rd July 2012 at 18:46

My dad was a fitter at the branch and used to take me down on weekends and let me up on the footplate of the engines when they were going onto the turntable. He used to make me think I was actually driving it. Wonderful memories and it would have benn around '64 funnily enough

Comment by: micky east on 23rd July 2012 at 21:09

its a caprotti black five,think it may be a visitor cant recall any being based at the branch.built around 1949/50 and scrapped approx no later than 1965

Comment by: Ken R on 23rd July 2012 at 23:36

It does look like a Caprotti, I worked on a few of these at Horwich Loco about 1953 or there abouts.

Comment by: Albert. on 24th July 2012 at 10:37

Thank you for the photograph aitch. I can still experience the distinctive smell of those steam locomotives,within my memory. Whether the constant smoke had any effect on us, living just a few hundred yards away,I am unaware. Thank the good Lord,I am still here anyway, to remember those happy times.

Comment by: John on 24th July 2012 at 16:45

Fantastic picture. . . Love it!

Comment by: Jimmy's Edwards on 3rd November 2013 at 02:19

lived across Warrington Rd from Springs Branch ,Spent years as a kid playing down Branch .Drivers used to let us on footplate going to Turntable ,we would work the turntable for the Drivef .What Health&Safety.Live near Bury now,they run steam trains every weekend the smell of the steam is great ,takes me back years, great days.

Comment by: Jimmy's Edwards on 3rd November 2013 at 02:27

lived across Warrington Rd from Springs Branch ,Spent years as a kid playing down Branch .Drivers used to let us on footplate going to Turntable ,we would work the turntable for the Drivef .What Health&Safety.Live near Bury now,they run steam trains every weekend the smell of the steam is great ,takes me back years, great days.

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