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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Spring View Senior Boys' School.


Spring View School.
Spring View School.
Photo: Albert.
Views: 3,084
Item #: 24818
This photograph was taken the year after the previous photograph. Taken in 1947. four other pupils are shown, that were missing previously. Mr Tatum is the teacher shown. He was also the science teacher. I can remember like it was yesterday. In 1946, he came to the school, with Mr Grange. Both were in uniform. Very smart. Mr Tatum, in his Flight Lieutenant's uniform.(R.A.F.) and, Mr Grange, in Lieutenant's uniform(Royal Navy)

The four other pupils' are Jackie Coulton Extreme left, front row. Bill Lowe third from the left front row. Alan Glaze, fourth from the left, front row. ? Bates. extreme right, front row.

Comment by: Jimmy on 11th March 2014 at 16:19

Albert,Mr Tatum was still there when I went to Spring View 1959/1963 always drove a top of the range Hillman Minx .Good Teacher,Nice Bloke.

Comment by: Albert. on 28th March 2014 at 16:17

Jimmy. I remember Mr Tatum, when he came out of the R.A.F. He got a car with a soft top. It was, ? Standard. It had the union jack in the middle of the bonnet, at the front. I suspected his parents bought it. He wasn't married then. I took papers out for Tatum's newsagents. I got lumbered, with washing it. Didn't get any extra remuneration for it.

Comment by: Jimmy. on 1st May 2014 at 17:06

Albert,got a photo of me sat in Mr Tatums Car ( his pride and joy) outside of School.Will get my Daughter to put it on here for me & other School photos .Iv' e not a clue how to do it.

Comment by: Albert. on 6th May 2014 at 19:14

Jimmy, tell your daughter to get cracking, and get those photographs printed, we've been waiting ages.

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