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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

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George Smith
George Smith
Photo: Mick Langton
Views: 2,509
Item #: 16793
My grandfather George Smith, age 27(as written on the rear of the photo). I believe he was an Ostler somewhere in Wigan. This must have been taken before the first world war as he sadly lost is life fighting in that war. I have a letter written by his commanding officer to my grandmother saying that he was killed at Beaumont Hamel while rushing a German machine gun. The officer was wounded in the attack.
He had two young daughters(my mother and her sister) the yougest of which he never saw!(See further photo).

Comment by: Dave on 17th January 2011 at 20:52

The cat looks content!!

Comment by: John on 17th January 2011 at 21:38

This photo looks like it was taken at the back of Darlington St just off Hartley Avenue. If you look in the background you can faintly see the steeple of St Patrick's Church. What made me wonder in the first place was the design of the brickwork on the gable end of the house. I've just looked at Google Street Map view and it confirms this is the place the ornate brickwork still exists

Comment by: Josh on 17th January 2011 at 22:27

Well spotted John, you're absolutely right. Just round the corner from here during WW1 bombs were dropped (in Harper Street) by a Zeppelin and two people killed and considerable damage caused. I also had a great grandfather who was an Ostler in Wigan.

Comment by: wes knight on 19th January 2011 at 19:27

hy john,just had a look of this foto,you sure its st pats church,seems to far right,plus dont think st pats has a steeple,it looks like its taken from darlington st on the junction with clarington grove,maybe a church thats been demolished or st caths

Comment by: John on 19th January 2011 at 21:43

Wes, Just looked again on Google street view and also looked at the profile of the "steeple" on St Pats Church and it is definitely Hartley Avenue / Darlington Street Wigan. Albeit St Pats doesn't have a steeple it has a small one at the front of the church. Take a look for yourself

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