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Short, in H.M. Constabulary.


Enjoyed my service of thirty years.
Enjoyed my service of thirty years.
Photo: Short.A.
Views: 3,573
Item #: 33097
Still serving in the police force in 1981. Seven years prior to retirement.

Comment by: Thomas(Tom)Walsh. on 16th April 2021 at 10:06

Good photograph , hope you are keeping well. Tom.

Comment by: Veronica on 16th April 2021 at 10:19

Lovely photo Albert, you do look happy in your job.
I bet you're glad you aren't in the force these days!

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 16th April 2021 at 10:47

That's a LOVELY photo, Albert! You remind me of the "Aidensfied" bobbies in "Heartbeat"....approachable and friendly but standing no nonsense! I have seen many photos of the popular Wigan Policewoman, Big Amy, (who I wish I had known), and she has that same air of approachability and kindness, yet at the same time standing for no nonsense....and deserved the respect she got from all.....public and villains alike, as I'm sure YOU did. It was another world somehow, back then, and a different world even then than it had been back in the Sixties. It's hard to believe 1981 was forty years ago, but I remember it well....my daughter was born!

Comment by: Albert.S. on 16th April 2021 at 11:54

Irene/ Veronica. A lot greyer now, and during the recent lock down, I looked like Mr Hyde. Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. Had my locks cut last Tuesday.

Comment by: Albert.S. on 16th April 2021 at 12:06

Irene. Saw Amy in the nursing home, at Pemberton, just a couple of months before she passed away. She was a lady that stood no nonsense, and really showed her determination in any situation that arose, but was full of compassion, and kindness when a situation warranted it. I had oceans of time for Amy. May she rest in perpetual happiness, and peace.

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 16th April 2021 at 15:31

Nice to put a face to the name Albert, hope you're keeping well.

Comment by: Edna on 16th April 2021 at 17:50

Lovely to see this photo Albert, thank you.Heartbeat came to mind Irene, before I saw your comment, and yes Amy was a lovely lady.

Comment by: George (Hindley) on 17th April 2021 at 00:41

I had to look twice at that photo, I thought it was Johnny Vegas.

Comment by: Mick on 17th April 2021 at 05:55

Reminds me of Colin Welland when he was in Z Cars

Comment by: Aubrey on 17th April 2021 at 09:19

Still recognisable from when we first met in 1960. Hope you and Veronica keep safe and well.

Comment by: Roy on 17th April 2021 at 09:28

I visit Amy's grave often, i'm actually visiting another grave but i always call and see her, fond memories of her on the Wigan streets. As WN1 says, it's nice to put a face to a name, nice photo Albert.

Comment by: Albert.S on 17th April 2021 at 09:41

Mick. Once when I was swimming in Fleetwood pool , I had just swam to the shallow end, when a young lady in the pool said to me. “You remind me of someone famous.” I thought Steve McQueen, plus one or two others good lookers. Then she said. “ You’r not Alf Roberts are you.” ?. How you can soon be deflated.

Comment by: Albert. S. on 17th April 2021 at 09:47

George, George. Are you sure you are not getting confused with Johnny Weissmuller?.

Comment by: Edna on 17th April 2021 at 16:58

I hope you don't mind me saying Albert, but wot a shame your lovely auburn hair had to go grey.My mother had Auburn hair and I loved it.

Comment by: Albert.S. on 17th April 2021 at 18:34

Happens to us all Edna, I would sooner be grey, than bald.

Comment by: yul b on 19th April 2021 at 01:56

whats wrong with bald albert

Comment by: Albert.S. on 19th April 2021 at 09:19

It is just my own preference not to be bald yul b. My son is as bald, as bald.

Comment by: Veronica on 19th April 2021 at 09:53

Take no notice Albert your hair is that thick it's obvious you were never going to be as bald as a coot. I bet your father was the same. Usually baldness is hereditary. My dad went bald as did his father - it didn't stop him going to the barbers though. He was under the impression the more he shaved his head the wavy locks would grow again - much to my amusement! ;0))

Comment by: Albert.S. on 19th April 2021 at 11:55

Veronica. I believe my son does it of his own volition.
My other elder son has got a full head of thick hair

Comment by: Mally on 19th April 2021 at 12:26

That's Fred Flintston where's willmaaaaa well done happy retirement enjoy

Comment by: Albert.S. on 19th April 2021 at 13:04

Malloy. By the grace of God, having drawn my pension for nearly thirty three years. I become a member of the 30/30 club, exceeding the thirty years of paying in quite a hefty monthly superannuation, over all those previous thirty years.

Comment by: John G on 20th April 2021 at 09:52

Albert S : I must confess Albert that is a good head of hair, you can tell you sleep on your right. I would be very impressed if you joined the mile high club, that would sort your curls out.

Comment by: Albert.S. on 22nd April 2021 at 11:18

John G. The mile high club, wouldn’t have anything to do with heaven, or would it?.

Comment by: John G on 22nd April 2021 at 12:07

Albert S: All depends how you look at it.

Comment by: Maureen on 2nd May 2021 at 12:18

That's a lovely photo Albert,you look to be a very kind man,and a handsome one..re big Amy,if ever you got on a bus with her,you'd soon see what kind of a person she was..she would get up from her seat whenever an older person got on,help people to get off the bus,she was never still until she got to her bus stop at Springfield.When my Dad passed away I met her in Makinsons Arcade,and she was so kind after finding out about him...she was indeed a lovely lady.

Comment by: Albert.S. on 3rd May 2021 at 13:42

Maureen. Relating to your comments on Amy. I concur with you one hundred per cent. In late 1962, my wife and I were walking through Mesnes Park, and met Amy. My son was only three or four months old. She pushed 2/6 (half a crown) into my hand. “Put that into his money box”. So kind hearted.

Comment by: Maureen on 7th May 2021 at 23:00

Albert,were you ever on duty in Wallgate at all.

Comment by: Albert.S. on 9th May 2021 at 13:06

I certainly was Maureen. On many an occasion between mid 1958 to September, 1962. I was on duty, and dealt with the terrible injuries, (tourniquet, etc.) a child had received after his leg was crushed by the track of a bull dozer. It had occurred on a building site, on the left of Wallgate, if travelling towards Pemberton. All the nerves in his leg must have had the feeling destroyed. He just asked me. “ Will I not have to go to school tomorrow?”. His leg was amputated at Wigan Infirmary.

Comment by: Maureen on 11th May 2021 at 17:34

Albert,my Mam told me of another terrible accident involving a child of the McMahons family (John)and a child of the Crowe family,they were crossing the main road in Wallgate and a bus ran over them..the McMahons owned the Grocers shop just further down Great George Street..my Mam went there regularly,the Crowes couldn't afford a funeral so the McMahons had both children buried together..they had another Son and named him John like the child they'd lost..(he has been on WW) and told me where they were buried,so we went to pay our respects..isn't that sad.

Comment by: Albert.S. on 12th May 2021 at 11:45

Those evens most possibly happened after I left Central Division. In September 1962, I was transferred to Pemberton. I transferred to Kent Police in July, 1964. As the writing was on the wall for Borough Forces to be amalgamated with larger Forces. I jumped, before I was pushed, to have my own choice.

Comment by: Maureen on 12th May 2021 at 14:04

No Albert,I believe it happened roundabout the 40s,you probably weren't even in the force at that time,but I must say..were there even buses at that time.

Comment by: Albert.S. on 13th May 2021 at 13:08

Maureen. Yes there were buses in the forties. I travelled on those buses. I was born early, 1934.

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