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Red Rock

1 Comment

Crawford Arms and Bridge 63
Crawford Arms and Bridge 63
Photo: winder
Views: 4,853
Item #: 18043
A view of the terraced row of houses which were opposite the Crawford Arms pub at the top of Red Rock Brow. Red Rock is situated between Standish and Haigh and is (in)famous for the murder of a Boilerman who was "stuffed" into the furnace at Bawkhouse Coll in the 1860s.
The terraced houses, with their own corner shop were pulled down in the 1970s. The Crawford Arms, now a sad looking site, is yet another abandoned ale house.
Photo was taken, by a local resident, around 1960 from the field that runs down to the canal.

Comment by: K Smith on 6th July 2011 at 14:32

Your right I drove past last January what a sorry sight I must agree

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