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Ration book


Ration book.
Ration book.
Photo: Eddie.
Views: 1,745
Item #: 27141
How many people hang onto stuff like this for 60 odd years?

Courtesy of Peter Crossland.

Comment by: JJP on 2nd December 2015 at 10:24

I've still got mine and I was born in 1947 showing a Aspull address infact, I'm still entitled to my ration of bacon, eggs, butter and some sweets, wonder where I'll get them these days ??. Thanks for the memory Eddie.

Comment by: irene roberts on 2nd December 2015 at 12:42

My husband was born at 34, Bridge Street, Hindley. We attend 1940s events from April to October every year, and last year at Pickering, Yorkshire, all the charity shops had done 1940s display in their window, and there in front of us was a Ration Book for 30, Bridge Street, Hindley, which was two doors from where Peter was born! Although only born in 1950, he remembered the family from childhood.

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