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Pit Brow Lasses


pit brow protest
pit brow protest
Photo: Allan Hughes
Views: 3,732
Item #: 23783
Not quite wigan but wigan women on their way to make a point at the house of commons. The protest delegation went to London on the 8th of august 1911, they were accompanied by wigan mayoress mrs woods. This was all about an amendment to the 1911 coal mines regulation bill to excluded them from working on the surface of the mines. The London press called their clogs ‘wooden boots’

Comment by: Albert. on 10th August 2013 at 14:47

Obviously, their protest was successful. They were still working on the surface of the pits, in Wigan, well into the 1950s

Comment by: maggie on 11th August 2013 at 09:40

I thought the original protest was earlier than that. I wish I could find my book with all the info in.

Comment by: Kath Arkwright on 11th August 2013 at 17:37

The earlier deputation of pit brow women to London was in May 1887 when twenty-two marched to the Home Office with Arthur Munby. Six of them were wearing their working clothes - clogs,trousers, short sacking apron, topcoat and pit bonnet.
The local champion was the Rev Harry Mitchell, Vicar of Pemberton, who in March 1887 had suggested raising a subscription for a special train to take four or five hundred to London to put them in evidence- pit clothes and all- to show that they were 'not the degraded, unsexed,health injured creatures depicted by your traducers but are,on the contrary, as good an example of honourable and vigorous womanhood as England itself can produce. 'London threatened with nothing less than than an invasion of colliery Amazons'. However the big invasion did not take place and the Home Secretary told the smaller deputation that their cause was won.

Comment by: Albert. on 12th August 2013 at 11:49

I worked with the pit brow ladies, in 1949/50, at the Maypole Colliery. You could not wish to meet a more decent, hard working, good humoured, wonderful, class of ladies. Great Britain should be for ever proud, of their industrious legacy.

Comment by: Allan H on 12th August 2013 at 20:47

the photo was published in 'The Graphic' 12th August 1911, no article just the photo.

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