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Peter Pendlebury


Peter Pendlebury
Peter Pendlebury
Photo: Mick Langton
Views: 2,114
Item #: 23868
A Fowler "crab" near Blackrod station circa 1963. The young boy is Peter Pendlebury who was a friend and fellow pupil at Wigan Grammar School at the time. I have not heard fom him since we left school in 1965. He lived in Whelly and I think his family moved moved to The Isle Of Man but I believe his older sister remained in the Wigan area.

Comment by: Jarvo on 6th September 2013 at 16:20

Shouldn't Peter be at the other side of the fence?

Comment by: trewyth on 6th September 2013 at 18:38

Why should he be on the other side of the fence, he's not doing any harm ! The insidious health and safety culture had thankfully not pervaded our lives then !

Comment by: Jarvo on 6th September 2013 at 20:07

A £1,000 fine these days. And rightly so...

Comment by: trewyth on 6th September 2013 at 21:07

Rules which must be obeyed ! Do you want to be a sheep?slave to regulation ?

Comment by: Colin Harlow on 7th September 2013 at 01:25

Today you wouldn't get near the track side, all railways are fenced off with high galvanised fenced walls. Aswell as being dangerous, it helps to stop cable thieves.

Comment by: Jarvo on 7th September 2013 at 04:51

You miss the point, Sir. Wouldn't have liked any of my three messing on railway tracks....No way!

Comment by: maggie on 7th September 2013 at 11:35

I am the daughter of a guard. When I was a child, we were surrounded by railways, we used to play near them, but the nearest we got to the track was to sit on the fence & watch the trains go by. My dad once told me that The Duke of Edinburgh was going to be passing by on his way back to London, we all sat on the fence & waved madly as it went by. Someone did wave back, so we were sure it was him! I knew of several of my Dad's colleagues who were injured by being on the track - my dad was hit by train door opened by someone before the train arrived at the station.

Comment by: JB on 7th September 2013 at 16:03

Wouldn't have been as dangerous as crossing today's busy roads, I shouldn't think. I used to do the same thing myself when train spotting.

Comment by: wcml on 7th September 2013 at 18:16

get a grip jarvo you are just haggling for a arguement

Comment by: Garry on 7th September 2013 at 19:19

I've never been in an arguement I haven't won. The young lads miles away from the train, it's a obstacle elusion.

Comment by: Jarvo on 7th September 2013 at 20:46

No optical illusion here. The embankment or 'cutting' isn't as high as normal. Peter is but yards away from a fast moving 'Crab'...One slip and it's 'praters'...I bet the driver wasn't too pleased.

Comment by: micky east on 7th September 2013 at 23:32

its a steep embankment,he could have fell,though we never thought about danger at that age

Comment by: kathy lee on 8th September 2013 at 12:19

Does anyone know what the building in the background is ? Could it be Rivington Carpets ? Talking of being next to the track I have a recent photo of my husband ,his sister & cousin standing right by the track where their grandmother lived at the crossing at Blackrod it was called the Gatehouse and all that is now left is a wall of the cottage.
I will try to upload the photo

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