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Pemberton Primary School


Pemberton Primary School staff
Pemberton Primary School staff
Photo: Ivor Hilton
Views: 9,264
Item #: 18109
Only recently found out that "Pem" Primary had been demolished! I thought a photo of some of the teachers might be appropriate.
I am on the front row in the centre. My deputy Peter Byrom is next to me. Sorry to hear that Peter, who was a good friend, had sadly passed away a few years ago.

Comment by: Judith Hodson(Hutchinson) on 18th July 2011 at 13:05

What year was this? I started at Pem primary in 1960!

Comment by: JOHN BELSHAW on 18th July 2011 at 14:15

I'm sure my sister in law Patricia Belshaw did a spell teaching here in the 1970's.

Comment by: Ivor on 18th July 2011 at 14:30

As near as I can guess, it is around 1986/87 (?) Time flies!
Yes, John, I worked with Pat, who I seem to remember came from

Comment by: steviegoko1958 on 18th July 2011 at 15:21

back row far left , jillian ramsbottom (hyde)

Comment by: Edwin Fort on 18th July 2011 at 22:26

Ivor, it was a long time before this when we played table tennis at Queen's Hall, but I attended Pem Primary from the early 50's, being amongst the first students to pass through the school from 1st year onwards.

Comment by: JOHN BELSHAW on 19th July 2011 at 14:08

Ivor, Pat lives in Leyland but hails from Parbold i think. Edwin, are you the same Ed Fort from Joy Mining?

Comment by: Ed Fort on 19th July 2011 at 21:31

Hi John, I certainly am!

Comment by: dave c on 20th July 2011 at 13:38

Jo Parr, Nigel's wife is back row far right.

Comment by: jeanette on 24th July 2011 at 22:05

I can remember you as plain as day MR HILTON you was the headmaster when my children were at pemberton primary

Comment by: Ivor Hilton on 25th July 2011 at 09:21

Hi Jeanette, No surname so I'm curious now! Who were your children and I hope they have pleasant memories of Pemberton Primary?

Comment by: Martin Lowe on 5th August 2011 at 14:40

My god, this picture brings back some memories. Mr Hilton and Mrs Dillworth if i'm not mistaken??

Comment by: john quinn on 23rd October 2011 at 20:59

i remember u could balance a ball on one foot

Comment by: Ivor Hilton on 24th October 2011 at 13:14

Hi John, Nice to hear from you. However, I think I must have failed somewhere if that's an outstanding memory of me at Pem. Primary! Hope you're doing ok.

Comment by: Carmen Mason (nee Crompton) on 19th February 2012 at 17:52

Wow this photo takes me right back! I loved Pem' Primary, still expect to see it standing when ever I get home to visit :(

Comment by: James Grundy on 26th July 2012 at 23:53

Ivor what happend to our school secretary Barbara Parkinson
she isn't on the photo?

Comment by: john quinn on 19th August 2012 at 23:57

doing well sorry about it taking so long to reply

Comment by: Meir on 1st February 2014 at 00:28

This picture is excellent! I started the infants in 87ish. I recognise Mr. Hilton the headmaster, Mrs. Elliot to his left, then Mrs. Haskayne, and Mrs. Hodges at the back. Happy days.

Comment by: deb on 20th June 2014 at 12:42

I was ther in late 60s mrs saxon was head teacher and i had a mrs blinstone as class teacher

Comment by: Sue Winn on 11th August 2014 at 17:02

Oh my, what a blast from the past. I taught at Pem Primary from 1977 until I moved to S Africa in 1982. I remember some names mentioned here and recognize Mr Hilton, Mrs Dilworth and Pat Eliott (was Hannon) . Other faces seem familiar but can't put names to them!

Comment by: paul wren on 26th October 2014 at 20:16

I went to pemberton primary and i still have bad dreams of what happend to me there how eva mrs dillworth sorry if spelling incorrect was the perfect teacher and also mr curry was amazing man i left around 1987 ... also remember mrs elliott

Comment by: David Lewis on 28th July 2015 at 19:17

Hi, I'm the Site Manager for the housing scheme that is about to be built on the old school. We're soon going to be going through what were the foundations and I was wondering if there is any sort of Timecapsule buried in the old school grounds? I'll also be willing to meet some of you who went to the school and tell you what is going to happen on the site. Hope to hear from you soon.

Comment by: Julie Dean on 26th August 2017 at 20:33

I use to go to Pemberton primary school in 1965 to 1970 I loved that school and I Remember Miss Saxon My name was Julie Kenyon then

Comment by: Barbara Holmes (then Barbara Parkinson) on 27th November 2017 at 15:15

Wow how amazing to see this photo. I was secretary at that time and it brought back loads of happy memories. Hope you are well Ivor and your family. We live in Somerset now.

Comment by: Ivor Hilton on 11th February 2018 at 15:54

Hi Barbara, Sorry for the delay in responding but I haven't visited the posting for quite a while, as I thought the comments had dried up. Thank you for your kind wishes, we are not doing too badly, just the to be expected age related ailments (this "growing old" isn't much fun) Glad that you are happy and settled in Somerset (a lovely county to live in!) Best wishes to you and your husband, hope you are both keeping well.

Comment by: Pat Keegan was Perry on 29th March 2020 at 22:42

I was there from 1964 to 1970 I think , if I worked it out right. Fond memories of Mrs Blinstone in junior 1. I didn’t like going in school for some reason and she coaxed me in. A lovely lady. Mr Martin in junior 4 was so kind to me when my a Dad had his first heart attack. I did like Miss Saxon too.

Comment by: Martin Bradley on 1st June 2020 at 19:12

Well this is certainly a lovely blast from the past. Mr Hilton was the best headmaster I had and taught me to play the guitar. I remember playing and singing John Denver songs in the practice room. Country Roads. What a great school this was. I do hope you're ok Mr Hilton. You instilled a love for music that I carry to this very day which I have passed on to my children.

Comment by: Ivor Hilton on 13th June 2020 at 16:42

Hi Martin, Thank you very much for the compliments ! I thought the comments had finished on this photo. Luckily with this new set up, I went back for a look.
I'm glad that you enjoyed "Pem" Primary, as we called it, and pleased that our music sessions (which I thoroughly enjoyed too !) had such an influence throughout your life. It made me smile when you recalled John Denver's "Country Roads". The recorder groups were very keen as well and very competent.
Thanks for bringing back some extra memories. I'm keeping quite well, thanks and avoiding this Coronavirus. Best wishes to you and your family.

Comment by: NorleyHaller on 18th August 2020 at 16:27

Mr Hilton used to play 'there was an old man called Michael Finnegan' on acoustic guitar. I remember Mr. Byrom as deputy head, the year after this I left to attend St. Stephens in Whelley and Mr. Byrom had just become the headmaster there.

Comment by: Amanda Ashton on 15th March 2021 at 12:02

G’day Mr Hilton, I am now living in Western Australia, lucky me hey!

I went to “Pem Primary” back in the late 70/80s with my sisters Julia and Claire, Ashton was our surname.

I have many fond memories of Pem primary and I can still play the “entertainer“ on a recorder! The pinnacle of competence back in the day.

Only the other day i was reminiscing with friends from primary school . I recalled our leavers song! I remember it well. Mrs Dillworth taught us a song to the war song, it’s a long way to Tipperary. Sing along........

“ It’s been a long time at Pemberton primary, it’s been a long time I know! It’s been a long time at Pemberton primary, but now it’s time to go. Good bye Mr Hilton, good bye teachers too. It’s been a long time at Pemberton primary, and, we will, miss you”

Thank you for everything you did, stay safe. Amanda

Comment by: Ivor Hilton on 23rd March 2021 at 11:37

G'day Amanda ! So glad you enjoyed "Pem" and for bringing back some memories from what seems a lifetime ago. Made me smile when you recalled "The Entertainer" as being the pinnacle ! Yes it was a very tricky song to play with the speed and the split thumb technique
Interestingly, I don't remember the leavers song at all (age thing ?) !!
Enjoy your life in Oz and thank you for taking the time to send your message. Best wishes to you and your family.

Comment by: Billy Winstanley on 1st September 2021 at 16:05

I was at Pem Primary from the day it opened, I went all the way through, I can remember a few of the other children's names. It was an eye-opener for those of us who came from a poor background.

Comment by: Karl Ashcroft on 8th June 2022 at 20:48

Hello wondered if anyone could help my sister Melanie ashcroft went to pem primary in the 80s/90s. I'm her brother and I also went to this and when I was young I did a oil painting of a house as I was learning to draw and paint. The point is there was a Scottish teacher there (can't remember her name) anyway my sister gave her my painting without me knowing as a leaving present I remember the teacher lived at the back of us on ormskirk Road pemberton wigan and basically I would love it if any one could help me get a picture of it if it's still around thanks its worth a try I'd only just completed the painting so didn't get to see it much my name is Karl ashcroft brother of Lee and mel

Comment by: Chrisie Myers on 19th November 2022 at 23:31

Does anybody remember julie kenyon she went this primary school she attended around 1965-1970 I’m just trying to get some info on my mum as she passed away on the 16th of November 22

Comment by: Martin Myers on 14th March 2024 at 16:54

Hi Chrisie I'm Martin was called Anthony when I was born on 4th March 1983 I was put up for adoption when I was a baby I don't know if your name is Christine but my birth mum was called Julie Kenyon my sister was called Christine and she was older than me I'd like to find my sister and get to know her if u want to chat write back here and I'll get my details to you kind regards Martin Myers

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