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ghostly  pic.
ghostly pic.
Photo: josie
Views: 2,475
Item #: 22826
my mam annie mawdsley with her brother john at 20 york st hr ince with other family members and a couple of other ghostly kids as well.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 28th February 2013 at 01:15

Thanks Josie, so good of you to add to my spooky album....thank you x
If you know of any other people that have pictures, you have my email address. :-)

Comment by: Albert. on 28th February 2013 at 15:34

Josie. Did you see my comments that I put on the photograph, relating to Spring View, places, second photograph? I apologize if you are not the Josie, that I am referring to.

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 28th February 2013 at 21:57

hello albert i have just had a look at your comments on spring view ,and yes it is the same josie, thanks for the info its all very interesting your memory is fantastic,i cant recall your cousins names yet but will think hard where up top of lane did they live ? and jackie pennington is my husbands brother,jackie was in the army for a long time he was a staff sergant he sadly died age 38 in 1972 his wife irene died almost a year ago now .

Comment by: josie on 28th February 2013 at 22:20

hi lizzie down under. glad i managed to get the photo on dont know why it wouldnt let me before ? can you see two children to the left? i also see a face in the top right corner,that area of hr ince was allways known to be haunted, lots of houses in york st were, when mam got married she moved into number 9 where we were all born 6 of us, i remember lots of spooky stuff so does all of us.the houses have long gone now and new houses are built there i know a couple of people who live there and i asked them if they knew of any spooky goings on and yes they said they had heard of others speak of ghostly happenings .i go up there from time to time just to remenis as we all had a wonderfull childhood in the 50s x

Comment by: Albert. on 1st March 2013 at 10:26

Josie,glad I eventually caught up with you. Your brother-in-law, Jackie, we were at school together, Spring View Boys' 1945-49. My cousins' Porters' lived in Tank Street, First house, next, to Jimmy, and Jane Mayors(Think that is how you spell their surname) Jacksons, lived round the corner in, I think it was named Kirkless Street,not sure though. Eileen Porter, Vera Porter, and Marjorie Porter. (Tank Street. Aileen, and Stella Jackson, lived round the corner. Sadly Stella died about three years ago.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 1st March 2013 at 12:30

Yes Josie I see it all....very clear......we are not alone even when we think we are......x

Comment by: josie on 1st March 2013 at 21:54

albert i so remember tank st and kirkless st still cant place your cousins but i remember the mhures spelled it wrong i know ha

Comment by: Albert. on 2nd March 2013 at 14:04

Josie. Both families moved to the new council houses built near to Ince Railway Station, just below the embankment,before you went over the bridge, towards the church. I suppose they must have demolished their previous houses. It would have been the middle, to the late fifties, when they moved. I remember my Aunty Bertha's(Jackson) was the one nearest to the railway embankment

Comment by: josie on 2nd March 2013 at 22:56

yes albert all the houses were demolished apart from the ones across from the prince of wales pub they are still there also still there is what used to be the pub called the belle view right at the top of belle green lane its flats now or two houses,its right by tank st ,we also moved on the estate off belle green lane though not the one in ince green lane it was about 61/62 as i was 11 at the time.

Comment by: josie on 3rd March 2013 at 00:37

sorry thats belle vue.

Comment by: Albert on 3rd March 2013 at 15:26

Josie. From July, 1953, until, October, 1953, I was on the same R.A.F. Station as a chap who's parents' had a Shop in Belle Green Lane. It was about fifty, or sixty yards yards, beyond the level crossing, on the left hand side, the level crossing side of the railway bridge. I have some recollection that it was a cobbler's shop, I may be wrong. In October we were both posted to other stations. When I was on leave I used to call at the shop,as I was on my way to my relations, to see how their son was getting on. He was serving in Berlin by then. I often wonder what kind of cards life had dealt him.

Comment by: Gerry on 4th March 2013 at 09:03

Was his name Cartwright,Albert? If it was he was a great bloke who very expertly replace irons or rubbers on our clogs and also made and fitted real leather studs to our football boots....the shop smelled wonderful......eeeeh it takes me back tha smell in the cloggers shop..btw the young lad on the left in this photo is my dad........

Comment by: Albert. on 4th March 2013 at 10:42

Thanks Jerry. It is so long ago, I honestly cannot remember, but somewhere in my brainbox, that name does ring a bell. Can you remember his son?. He would be about seventy nine,or eighty years of age now. A bonny young fellow, your dad.

Comment by: josie on 5th March 2013 at 17:57

albert yes like gerry said it was cartwright dont remember his first name or his son.

Comment by: Elizabeth Fairclough on 5th March 2013 at 19:14

Hi Josie,looking at this photo of your Mam,I'm sure I've seen one of you in the playground of St.William's and you look so like your Mam on it.

Comment by: josie on 8th March 2013 at 21:19

yes elizabeth there is a couple of photos on here of me in st williams yard one was when i was about 7 with my schoolfriends making our first comunion,the other is when i was in my teens i was sat in the litter bin in the corner ha ha.

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