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Old coins


Old coins
Old coins
Photo: Aubrey Fairclough
Views: 3,784
Item #: 30241
Some of my wife's collection of silver threepenny coins. All collected during the 1940s and 1950s, from her parent's chip shop, 'Scillas' Walthew Lane, Platt Bridge
Silver threepenny coins were last minted in 1945 and were legal tender until 31st August 1971, however, after 1945 they were worth far more than 3 pence

Comment by: irene roberts on 23rd February 2018 at 22:03

I hadn't realised silver threepenny coins were legal until 1971; I have no recollection of them. I have a bronze threepenny bit and a silver sixpence from 1952, the year I was born. As King George The Sixth died in early February of that year, no coins were minted between then and June 1953 when Queen Elizabeth was crowned, so 1952 coins are rare. My niece, on her wedding-day, presented all her Aunties with a silver sixpence from the year they were born and had no end of trouble obtaining mine! She got it off ebay in the end!

Comment by: Mick on 23rd February 2018 at 23:12

I would have loved to marry the daughter of the chippy owner

Comment by: AP on 24th February 2018 at 01:36

I remember that in 1950's and 1960's, many folk kept one or two of these especially to put into the Christmas pudding. I still have one.

Comment by: Garry on 24th February 2018 at 08:38

I don't remember these at all. I'm only familiar with the Threepence 3d or threepenny bit (thrupens) the 12 corner nickel-brass coin that ended on decimal day in 1971.

Comment by: Maureen on 24th February 2018 at 10:23

You used to be able to buy bracelets made of these in Kay's of Darlington Street.

Comment by: A.W. on 24th February 2018 at 10:47

I have a few silver threepenny bits, a load of pre decimal coins all denominations and about £2 face value worth of sixpences. Many people seem to have forgotten that sixpences were still in regular use till the early 1980's.

Comment by: Albert. on 24th February 2018 at 10:50

When I was in St Mary's infants' school, Lower Ince, in 1941, Wigan and district had a collecting fund named the "Spitfire fund" My contribution was, I collected from relatives, and family friends, silver three penny pieces. When I had a money box full, I took it to school, to donate to the fund. Not a great amount, but every little helped.

Comment by: Poet on 24th February 2018 at 10:57

I recall a chap who shopped exclusively at Kay's for all his clothing. We called him Man at Wally Kays after the C&A commercial.

Comment by: Maureen on 24th February 2018 at 11:00

You used to be able to buy bracelets made of these in Kay's of Darlington Street.

Comment by: Veronica on 24th February 2018 at 12:59

I can't say I remember these coins but have often wondered how much actual silver was in them. I would imagine if there was a lot of silver in them they would be worth more than the value of the coin. Also would it not have been a temptation to melt them down. They look like the old 'tanner' to me which I used to get on Saturday - then spent it on chocolate! I used to call it my 'Saturday Sixpence'!

Comment by: Maureen on 24th February 2018 at 14:12

Goodness knows why my iPad doubles up.
Re poets comment...I believe there's a very funny thread somewhere regarding someone's Mum buying her sons clothes from Kay's ,but he
looked like a Japanese Emperor going to School...the poor lad..I'm going to see if I can find it

Comment by: Garry on 24th February 2018 at 14:22

Ha ha great days Veronica x.

Comment by: Aubrey on 24th February 2018 at 14:41

Thank you all for your comments.
I understand that upto 1919 the amount of silver in the coins was 0.925% then 0.50%. From 1945 the coins were worth keeping, rather than spending. The value varies according to the year. 1945 seems to be one of the rarest because by then the coins cost considerably more to mint than they were worth.

Comment by: AP on 24th February 2018 at 16:03

I stand to be corrected if needs be, but just going from memory, they were silver until 1926, and then 50% silver until their demise.

I do recall that our pre-decimalisation coinage, in general, had by the end of its life become worth more in scrap value than its purchasing power: even the bronze (so-called copper) penny. (not legal however to use the coinage as a source of metals)

Comment by: Henry7 on 24th February 2018 at 17:38

I remember Scillas chippy, great fish and chips. My Grandma lived in Bank Street, just around the corner.

Comment by: Veronica on 24th February 2018 at 19:31

Then it wasn't woth melting the coins down Aubrey! Garry it wasn't the ordinary chocolate block though -it was a selection of chocolates in the block. I recall soft caramel and other soft centres ...about 6 pieces I think. Dead yummy!

Comment by: Barrie on 24th February 2018 at 19:55

I recall my father putting into the Christmas pudding, that mother used to make, in the 1950's a sliver 3 pence piece. My 2 sisters and I used to "fight" over it until they "flew the nest". Such memories of long lost days. Now, youngsters don't eat such things these day.

Comment by: irene roberts on 24th February 2018 at 20:08

I remember the chocolate bar with different flavours in one bar, Veronica. I mentioned it in one of my articles in Past Forward.

Comment by: tuddy on 24th February 2018 at 22:09

It was the comedian Harry Pemberton who joked that his Mother couldn't afford a school uniform for him, so she went to Kay's to see what she could find for him to wear. For the next three years he went to school every day dressed as a Japanese admiral.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 24th February 2018 at 22:29

Besides putting these in the Christmas pudding at home. They put them in the Christmas pudding served at the Thomas Linacre School's Christmas dinner.

Comment by: Linda Massa on 25th February 2018 at 06:31

My Dad used to save them and had quite a few in a jam jar. One night we had burglars and they took the lot.

Comment by: Albert. on 25th February 2018 at 07:59

Relative to the "Spitfire Fund", that I mentioned previously. Wigan did purchase a Spitfire. It was named "Wigan & District." It was flown by a Polish fighter pilot.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 25th February 2018 at 08:56

Veronica: Would your 'Saturday Sixpence' have been for Fry's 5 Centres?

Comment by: Veronica on 25th February 2018 at 10:33

No Philip .... It was definitely Cadbury's chocolate with an assortment of soft centres in the shapes of the chocolates you would get in a box. My friend Carol and I would buy them purely for the novelty of them as well as being scrumptious. I recall soft caramel, strawberry, Turkish delight and orange cream I think and when you broke them off there was thick chocolate in between them.....my mouth's watering now thinking of them.. Even though I dont eat chocolate these days. I don't know how long the produced them for though. Irene remembers them.

Comment by: irene roberts on 25th February 2018 at 12:03

Yes, I remember them vividly. It was like having a small box of Milk Tray but in a bar. There were about five or six chocolate-covered "bumps" on the bar, each one holding a different flavour. I have googled it with no success and also looked in my Robert Opie books of brand-names which has loads of pics of the old chocolate bars, but not the one I want. I can see them in my mind's eye as clearly as if I had bought one this morning.

Comment by: Pw on 25th February 2018 at 12:25

They were called Cadburys milk tray chocolate bar,remember them well.Google it in there are some pictures of them

Comment by: A.W. on 25th February 2018 at 12:33

I remember that chocolate bar as well, it was like a few milk tray chocolates welded together, can't remember when I last saw one.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 25th February 2018 at 12:45

Veronica: All roads are now beginning to point in the direction of one of the Milk Tray 'Snack' bar varieties.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 25th February 2018 at 13:18

Veronica: Cadbury's Dairy Milk Snack 'block', could have been where your 'Saturday Sixpence' had gone, and why not?

Comment by: Veronica on 25th February 2018 at 14:10

It's marvellous what memories the silver threepenny bits have triggered off and it's a joy to read the memories.

Comment by: Aubrey on 25th February 2018 at 16:05

‘ Scillas’ brother,Bob Gaskell, lived in Bank Street, wouldn’t it be a coincidence if he was your grandfather. If so, my wife Jean is related to you.
You are right the photo has evoked some memories.

Comment by: PeterP on 25th February 2018 at 18:23

If you go to the Royal Arcade (Southport) there are boxes full of the old coins.

Comment by: Jinksi on 27th February 2018 at 17:05

Got a silver sixpence in my Last Christmas Pudding at Spring View 1963.

Comment by: Jinksi on 27th February 2018 at 21:43

Meant Spring View School not just Spring View.

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