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Photo: Liz Kearvell.....Lizzie down under
Views: 2,496
Item #: 23666
This is a photo of dear friends of my family when we lived at 181 Pepper Lane.....Their names were Arthur and Lilly Moore and they were the nicest neighbours anybody could have.....being Quakers they always were there to lend a hand.....I was never any good at sums so Lilly helped me to understand numbers. They had two children. This photo was taken I think after we left for Australia and was sent to my parents or given to my mum when she went back for a holiday .....so maybe the late 60s. Very nice people.

Comment by: Mick on 5th July 2013 at 22:46

Theyve got cups and saucers Liz must be posh.

Comment by: alan lad on 5th July 2013 at 22:58

Lizzie did ever have the pleasure of meeting Major and mrs britton who lived at woodbine cottage off pepper lane they retired to Majorca about 1962 she was a German lady ?just a thought.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 6th July 2013 at 03:11

Mick they were a bit posh but nice with it.....they also had a huge dog that had a go at my hand as I was patting it.....made a right mess....then it bit Lilly so it was gone very quickly. :(
Alan I can't say that I do remember the Brittons.....was that the cottage just before you come to the M6 bridge on the left....because the name you said of the cottage rings a faint bell. I notice to Alan that Ernie Ashton got rid of the iron bar gate.....what fun we kids had in his field....flattening all the tall whatever he was growing....he has put up a proper gate or who ever is living in the farm now has.....all us kids doing flips....the bars got so smooth and polished.....cheers fellas thanks for posting.

Comment by: irene roberts on 7th July 2013 at 19:15

When I think of the foul language and bad behaviour I see in Wigan these days, often aimed at little children, I absolutely despair! This lady and gentleman are of another era, and how I wish we could go back there.

Comment by: alan lad on 7th July 2013 at 20:50

Lizzie woodbine cottage is first left (private road ) after the road leading to the older of the robin hill mines,also was the iron bar not on Baldwins land on the way to cat in window from pepper lane.

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 8th July 2013 at 04:43

Alan.....no the iron bar gate was opposite Pat Leigh's house because when we saw Ernie coming we all used to run into her house and hide out the back....her house was four or five houses up from ours 181.... I have been there on google maps.....and the three tall trees are still there on the right just before you come to the now new gate on the right going towards Baldwins farm where we used to play in the barn and get led about on Dobin the Clydesdale....cheers!!

Comment by: Jo Hayes on 9th July 2013 at 04:34

Hi Liz lovely photo. The Moores ran the post office in Wallgate for many years. I remember them taking me on a trip to Southport once and we walked out over the frozen sea, I also remember the stone jars of sarsparilla they used to have delivered. I can see Mr Moore with the big sythe cutting down the long grass at the bottom of the garden. Cheers JO

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 9th July 2013 at 10:08

Thank you dear sister Jo for the extra info I had forgotten about the post office....yes I can see him with the scythe.....and they had beautiful manicured gardens....cheers, Liz

Comment by: Eileen Bullen(Shaw) on 23rd July 2013 at 09:47

They look like a loving couple

Comment by: Lizzie down under on 23rd July 2013 at 12:32

Hi Eileen....yes they were and there was nothing that they wouldn't do for us as neighbours....there is nothing like having great neighbours as good friends....thank you for your post .....appreciate it .... :-)

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