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Jimmy Winstanley
Jimmy Winstanley
Photo: john belshaw
Views: 2,751
Item #: 25161
My Wife's Grandfather Jimmy Winstanley from Pemberton.

Comment by: Albert. on 27th April 2014 at 17:03

No orange coloured overalls in those days. Just your old pit tackle, that you chucked into your dirty locker, in the pit head baths.

Comment by: winnie on 28th April 2014 at 16:30

was he ever married to a dorothy brown and had a son

Comment by: alan winstanley on 30th April 2014 at 05:38

My dad was Thomas Winstanley seeing the photo really jogged my memory of him coming home like that no pit baths were he worked,top ofarbour,quaker house colliery,he walked up to arbour catch No 19 bus down to "robbin" then a No2 ashton bus got off at ST.PAUL'S church down avenue to Walpole ave dressed in gear like your photo minus helmet he wore a flat cap folk woundnt do it today but thanks for the memory.

Comment by: tricia on 30th April 2014 at 08:05

Yes. and Uncle Tom was my favourite Uncle..he was such a quiet, gentle man.He survived accidents down the pit and used to come to our house for a long time to have the dressing on his hand changed. My mother was a nurse.
Unfortunately we lost him far too soon.

Comment by: Albert. on 30th April 2014 at 11:40

Hi Alan. My working time down the pit was 1949, to 1953. At the Maypole Colliery, where I worked, we did have pit head baths.

Comment by: alan winstanley on 6th May 2014 at 01:03

hello jimmy thank you for sharing your memories of those days was that the only pit you work at? and is there any chance you knew my late father, as for Patty ( tricia ) or as all know her by that name tricia she was spot on about her mum my aunty alice helping dad with his dressings,it was February time 1956 there was a good 6/8 inches of snow down and when my sis and I got home from school it were odd that dad was not there,mam and other sis were at work at Eckersley's mill they got home around 6 ish big brother was at pit on late shift the thing that sticks out to this day was " a bobby on a bike yes a bike "it looked funny but what come next was not he told us dad had been in a roof collapse down mine earlier that day in which he sustained horrific injury to his hand, the bobby waited to tell mam when she got home , but like I say my fav aunty alice helped him greatly and I will never forget her ,sorry if I bored you jimmy but you also seem to be a good bloke all the best to yours,alan.w.

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