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Meadows family


Photo: norma champkin
Views: 2,877
Item #: 4320
this is sarah jane meadows, my lovely grandma, and i think one of the children is rita her grandaughter.

Comment by: dave marsh on 14th November 2007 at 13:26

Lovely old family photos.What street or area are we in?

Comment by: norma champkin on 14th November 2007 at 20:17

my gran lived in wallgate wigan, across from the wigan pier and all the houses are well gone now

Comment by: norma champkin on 14th November 2007 at 21:00

oh i forgot to say, my gran lived in tickle street, i spent most of my youth round tickle street with my friends, best time of my life, there was a hairdressers on the corner of tickle street

Comment by: Albert Parr on 7th February 2008 at 11:40

Hi Norma, I am Lily Meadow's brother.It was great to see Lily and Jimmy with your gran.We like Lily live in Australia and are always on Wigan World. Miss Jimmy a lot.

Comment by: norma champkin on 7th February 2008 at 18:28

hello albert, thank you for getting in touch, i remember lillian ( thats how i always knew her ) my name is norma and lillian will remember me, i am joyce and normans daughter, i remember when i was younger how my grandma meadows always sang me waltz in matilda and remembering lillian and jimmy, she missed them very much, sadly my mother is no longer with us, but while rooting i came across the pics and put them on wigan world in the odd chance that someone who knew lillian would see them, a lovely kind woman lillian and proud to have met her,just the once, please give her my regards and got loads of meadows family stuff to tell, best wishes norma.

Comment by: norma champkin nee riley on 7th February 2008 at 18:36

albert if you tell lillian to look under the name riley in the people photos there are some of my mum and dad for her to look at, i know she had 2 children and still sends my dad xmas cards, her son was named christopher and daughter was elizabeth if i recall, i am always on wigan world and love to see all the old photos of wigan, am so glad you got in touch, thank you, ive always thought about the family in adalaide and often think of the time i met lillian, all the best norma

Comment by: Barbara Parr on 20th June 2008 at 11:50

Hi Norma,I'm Albert's wife. It was great reading your comments and we will pass them on to Lily.Unfortunately she does not have a computer but we have printed and copied your photos and comments for her.I will also keep in touch and let you know what transpires.

Comment by: norma on 26th June 2008 at 13:35

hiya barbara, thanks for the message, i hope all is well in aussie and all the family are well, i appreciate your taking time to write to me, i have taken the liberty of putting my email address on this so if any of the family or lillians family want to get in touch it would be nice, i know lillian has children and grandchildren prob lol, well keep in touch and take care of you all norma

Comment by: leslie gaskell on 4th January 2009 at 00:14

i remember mrs medows anns grandma she lived in tickle st i recal albert liveing there with sandy his lurcher , also remember anns little sis tracey, yours les gaskell

Comment by: norma champkin on 4th January 2009 at 17:27

thats right les, i was always at my grandmas, playing with the kids round there, you may remember me norma, everyone new my grandma

Comment by: Graham Shaw on 7th March 2012 at 20:49

i have a very good friend the name of Tony Meadows , and we came across these , Sarah Jane Meadows was his grandmother , he was born in the front room of 7 tickle street , his dad was Burt Meadows his mother was Sophie ,he remembers his uncle Jimmy and auntie Lillian going out to Australia , what a fantastic photo .

Comment by: Andrew Hodgkinson on 25th August 2018 at 17:14

hello wonder if u are able to contact tony meadows as I am a friend of Darren perry the film man in London-keen to contact him-can u leave details with Darren pl

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