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Wigan Album

M6 Motorway


20-09-1962-Spring Road under construction (new route)
20-09-1962-Spring Road under construction (new route)
Photo: Barrie
Views: 2,451
Item #: 29024
Sorry for showing a bridge in the distance, but Spring Road had to pass under the M6.
I wonder if the children were inspired to work in the construction industry when they grew up.I was in the late 50's when the enclosed reservoir was built off Wigan Road Standish and as kids used to sit on the earthworks around the site watching the monorail taking materials such as rebar and concrete to the shutters.Such happy days!!

Comment by: RON HUNT on 14th February 2017 at 21:29

I remember going here to see if they were taking on casual labour in the school holidays. Someone said that they were, but we couldn't find anyone in charge to ask.

Comment by: Robert on 15th February 2017 at 00:45

Keep these photos coming Barrie.

I love these motorway construction photos.

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 15th February 2017 at 10:30

I wish I had a £1 for every time I have rode/driven under that bridge and never new the road originally ran the other way. Great photo Barrie

Comment by: Al on 15th February 2017 at 20:11

Never knew Spring Rd was altered like this due to the motorway. No way would kids be allowed on a construction site like this today, too much obsession about health and safety (and security) for that to happen. I bet they did learn something, but can't say much for today's younger generation where they learn nothing. All the workers today would be wearing hardhats and hi viz jackets and the photophrapher would never be able to take photos so close like that (for aload of reasons, incl security and safety), and there would be a huge barrier around the site that you couldn't see through. Why do they have be so tight and strict with building sites today, even stopping the public from seeing what's going on where our money is being spent?.

Comment by: MikeW on 16th February 2017 at 08:54

Legislation has tightened up since then. Builders have a duty of care to their employees and the public and must do all they can to protect them from dangers. This law wasn't in place back then. If they don't do all they can the companies can be fined and the directors jailed if people are killed even hurt. Barriers and screens around sites are to protect passers by from flying objects and for security.

Comment by: Al on 16th February 2017 at 14:13

If health and safety was their main concern then we wouldnt need these insurance companies everywhere asking people if theyve had an injury over a ridiculous incident, more spending time in court & taking away personal responsibility from the individual. And companies get away with things any way, especially when there's a resovior that's burst its banks. All the floods that places like Cumbria had a few years ago causing devastation to hundreds of homes, yet the water companies were never held responsible.

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