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LUT tramways


L U T tramways
L U T tramways
Photo: aitch
Views: 3,436
Item #: 14413
a couple of pics I found in a book about the LUT, seeing as how there isnt any on to my knowledge, with apologies to the chap who took them.

Comment by: Derek in Aus on 5th April 2010 at 22:49

Trolley bus leaving Tram St Platt BridgeOn way to Ashton/St Helens----Stinky toilets on left--mentioned on
thr walking day photos shown earlier.

Comment by: W.P on 5th April 2010 at 23:39

I think thats Templeton Rd not Tram St.

Comment by: Dennis on 6th April 2010 at 05:22

Derek... it is Templeton Road it is leaving.

But full marks for spotting where it was, I lived in Platt Bridge and I could not see it!

Comment by: Wigwann on 6th April 2010 at 09:08

My Grandad was first a tram driver and then a trolley bus driver. His licence must have been one of the first PSV ones issued,I remember it had a low no. he retired in 1955. He(and my Dad)always called the East Lancs Road the "New Road" and my Dad as a boy would go up there from Abram to watch the cars, I suppose the 1930's equivalent of the motorway.

Comment by: aitch on 6th April 2010 at 17:02

I used to catch the trolley bus from Hindley when I first started work in 1954 at C&C motors in Bickershaw lane, the premises are still there, but are now known as Heatons

Comment by: R.W on 6th April 2010 at 20:39

Great photo aitch, it will look even better in a couple of weeks time when it's been reposted by charnock !!

Comment by: Dennis on 6th April 2010 at 20:53

WP... but it will only be half the size....

Comment by: Eric Turner on 6th April 2010 at 22:51

C&C Motors! Freddie Cottenden's, he was a mechanic at Sid Brown's (just to the right of the bus)before he started on his own in Bickershaw Lane

Comment by: Derek in Aus. on 7th April 2010 at 00:01

Sorry I said Tram St, I meant to say Tram Lines as thats what we used to call the road. Never actually knew the name of the road.Another point of interest --the British Legion was roughly positioned behind the bus.

Comment by: wigwann on 7th April 2010 at 09:35

Would we have gone on Legion trips to Southport from there? I remember the trips and being labeled with a Club tag, put onto buses(very exciting) but not where we set off from. My dad was a Legion and Labour Club member and I think I went on both trips. We met for fish and chips near that big statue of Queen Victoria in Lord street. Funny how you remember food.....

Comment by: steve on 8th April 2010 at 19:31

Yes Wigwann you would have gone on your Southport trip from Templeton rd, at that time the British legion club was located there. I have earlier memories of going with both the legion and the labour clubs on the kiddies outing as it was known,not by bus but by train from Platt Bridge station

Comment by: Brendell on 4th November 2010 at 21:17

I have a copy of the book you refer to. My late father Stan Richards worked for the LUT from just after the war until his death in 1984. I too remember the trips to Southport with the British Legion which left from behind where the trolley bus is standing.

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