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John Kellie ( known as Jack)


Dad and Army Pals,
Dad and Army Pals,
Photo: Nadine
Views: 2,498
Item #: 17471
This photo was taken during WW2 and am ashamed to admit I know very little about dad`s time in the army. (He is on the back row 4th from left).
I think he had some connected to The Bury Fusilliers and he was definately connected to the Fire Brigade division from reading the notes he made on his photo album and was based in the far east.
Born in Ince during 1919 he was one of six brothers. When the war ended, he took up his skill as a brilliant joiner who took lots of pride in his craft, he remained in this trade until his retirement but this was sadly short lived, as he passed away in 1986.

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 2nd April 2011 at 22:46

nice pic nadine where in ince was your dad born , i was born in hr ince.

Comment by: nadine on 2nd April 2011 at 23:49

They lived in Kingsway Josie, and I assume he was born there.

Comment by: Nadine on 3rd April 2011 at 10:13

Sorry, the editorial should have read based in the middle east not far east!

Comment by: Graham Taylor on 4th April 2011 at 14:07

Nadine, if you really want to know what your father did in the Army and where he was posted his next of kin can apply for a copy of his service records. I think it costs about £20.

The Bury Fusiliers would be the Lancashire Fusiliers, not sure it looks like their cap badge on the photo though. The 2nd Battallion LF were in North Africa then Sicily and Italy. Have you got his medals or paybook ?

Comment by: nadine on 4th April 2011 at 15:22

Thankyou Graham. I will apply for the info as you advised. I do have his medals but no paybook. I have a photo album which shows he spent in the middle east but no record of the places you mentioned. Thanks for the advice Graham.

Comment by: Graham Taylor on 5th April 2011 at 10:27

Hi Nadine

If you have another photo in the album that shows his cap badge any clearer post it and I will try to identify for you.

My dad was also born in Lower Ince in 1919, perhaps they knew each other


Comment by: Nadine on 6th April 2011 at 20:25

Graham,following your comment, I have uploaded a photo which may help to identify. Dad is on the end on the right.I have written to Glasgow for the service records also. Yes perhaps your dad and mine knew each other as everyone seemed to know everyone in those close knit community days.Dad went to Rose Bridge Central School and left in 1934. Mr staveley was the Headmaster then. Thanks again.

Comment by: Sheila on 12th April 2011 at 21:28

Another good photo Nadine! Whatever the 'Fusilliers', he looked the part!

Comment by: Bill Eatock on 19th June 2011 at 11:45

Josie... life gets weirder. I discovered a few days ago that you lived around the corner from my mother and have now moved across the road from where she lives now! History really does repeat itself.

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