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Jackson family of Hindley.


A Countryside Idyll.
A Countryside Idyll.
Photo: Philip Gormley.
Views: 3,066
Item #: 29757
A preparatory drawing, and one of two different canal scenes that helped me to complete two watercolour paintings during the 1990s - the scenes were copied from a 'countryside' hardback. The bridge might not be that upon which Miss Wilson had been seen tending to her hair (Item 29755), but its small sections of strategically placed large rough hewn stones are repeated on some of the other parapets overlooking this particular canal, perhaps in anticipation of traffic more robust than Miss Wilson's bicycle. The small trees on the right of the drawing remain unidentified, but in the unlikely event of someone running book on their identity then I would say "£5 Hawthorn, please.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 27th September 2017 at 16:32

This may very well be the same bridge Philip, I really don't know, but I will know, and quite soon. By the way, I missed you in the long legged endothermic vertebrate this afternoon.

Comment by: DTease on 27th September 2017 at 17:33

Philip, you did well to paint this without the numbers being on it.

Comment by: Veronica on 27th September 2017 at 17:54

I would love to see the watercolour!

Comment by: Julie on 27th September 2017 at 19:37

Endothermic Vertebrate , Yip , works on my iPad. I love anything that gives me new knowledge. i think it was Jonno, forgive me if I am wrong .
Who posted or commented on a railway track picture on WW a while back.
As the heated debate unfolded about loops and which way and such , I actually gained insight,not only to my own arrogance but also and especially my own ignorance. This is why I love WW . The more you read, the deeper you explore , the better it gets, WW or win win!

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 27th September 2017 at 20:37

Ozy: I hope you manage to identify 'Miss Wilson's bridge', too; it would be great if you did. You were in the long-legged ... , doh! Ne'er mind, shipmate, there'll be other opportunities for us to meet up. Thanks.
DTease: You've just displayed some of the finest gifts ever bestowed upon man i.e., observation, communication and effortless production of a hearty chuckle. You've also displayed an interest in integers, which could be to my advantage; should the trees become identified as being Hawthorn, then perhaps you would help me to count my winnings. Regards.
Veronica: This is the better scene of the two completed paintings, and is shown actual size. Both paintings were bought by the same person. Thanks.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 27th September 2017 at 20:49

It looks as if they could be on to us Philip. The cracks are beginning to appear. I may be forced to switch my allegiance to ' The Raptor and Sprog ' if this carries on, ' The Burnt Umber Bovine ' no longer being an option.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 27th September 2017 at 21:42

Ozy: Oh-no, not Raptor and Sprog. The vial, the vial, hand me the vial ... come along ... quickly now.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 27th September 2017 at 21:56

Ozy: I forgot to mention that the vial will only be required on Friday nights ... Rugby nights if you like - absolute mayhem.

Comment by: DTease on 27th September 2017 at 23:26

The Eagle and Child and the blessed Brown Cow
Nothing else can save me now.

Comment by: DTease on 28th September 2017 at 08:42

Philip the painter seeking a bridge
He'd be better at home with a beer from the fridge.

Comment by: Veronica on 28th September 2017 at 09:50

Still speaking in 'codes' I see! It's not Bletchley Park y'know - I prefer the Agency and that boat to T----bong! In fact I've just renewed my passport on strength of going on that cruise, I believe there's some good entertainment -mainly comedians!

Comment by: Veronica on 28th September 2017 at 10:05

Anyway that bridge looks like the one up in Cumbria where Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard had their 'Brief Encounter' wondering whether to throw themselves in or not! DTease will know that one -he's well up in films!

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 28th September 2017 at 13:18

What's happening with DTease just lately I wonder?
When he should be dealing with matters down under,
he seems to be dabbling in meter and rhyme.
I don't pay my agents for wasting their time.
While Tittybong's crime suffers lack of detection,
my best agent strives for poetic perfection.
It's often been said " You just can't get the staff
these days " and it's true, I'm not having a laugh.
This raft's almost finished, it just needs a crew,
I wonder if Howard and Julie would do?

Comment by: DTease on 28th September 2017 at 18:44

I must admit to a slight lapse in concentration just lately. This came about from my discovery of half a bottle of French Brandy. It was hidden in the back of the wardrobe and was no doubt left over from Christmas. Anyway, it's all gone now so the episode will not be repeated....honest
Getting back to the day job, Veronica, I know it's a bit late to ask given that the boat is ready to sail but... Can you swim Veronica ? I recall you saying that you wore your bikini at Southport Baths but it doesn't necessarily follow that you can swim does it ?
You will appreciate that your boat will not be carrying a Lifeboat so if you can't swim we will have to make alternative arrangements.
It my be possible for Ozy to provide you with a Lorry inner tube to keep you afloat. Do you think you may have enough "Puff" to inflate such a thing ? If not then your only other alternative is to follow my old Grandad's advice which goes like this
"when in danger, when in doubt run in circles scream and shout"
Bon voyage Veronica.

Comment by: Veronica on 28th September 2017 at 20:56

There is a slight problem Dtease I'm allergic to Lorries! Just have to let "The Owl and the Pussy Cat' go to sea instead!

Comment by: GW. on 28th September 2017 at 21:22

Never despair Ozy,
I'm on the case,
From Wigan to Tittybong
i'm up for the chase.
Tho' sailing in truck tubes
is not of my choosing,
With VB as 1st mate
we've no chance of losing.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 28th September 2017 at 23:11

Good old reliable G Doubleyolk. Cometh the hour, cometh the man, that's what I always say, well normally I do anyway. Now DTease, my man, you obviously haven't visited my website have you?, Just type in www.prelovedinnertubes.co.uk, and you'll see that I possess the most extensive stock of inflatable contraptions in the entire U.K. Just name it and I have an inflatable version of the thing, and as I've had no word from either the owl or the pussycat, then by default, both Veronica and GW have been selected to undertake the hazardous voyage to the antipodes. If you could both present yourselves at Wigan pier at around teatime this Sunday, Lisa Nandy, myself, and that bloke who steam cleans the chewing gum off the pavements will be there to see you off. And don't forget to bring some honey and plenty of money wrapped up in a five pound note....think on.

Comment by: Veronica on 28th September 2017 at 23:56

Aye,aye Captain.
We'll make haste to Tittybong
The wind behind us good and strong
GeeDoubleyolk can bring some money
I'll just sort out some jars of Honey.

Comment by: GW. on 29th September 2017 at 00:05

Just name it you say Ozy. How about a few dozen blow up Dtease dolls roped together [ more for amusement than any seaworthy attributes ] and just to add a bit of class an inflatable Philip figurehead.

Comment by: DTease on 29th September 2017 at 00:24

I must say Ozy, there seems to be an abundance of poetical prowess in the Agency. Both yours and doubleyolks contributions put my own poor efforts to shame.
Ozy, what are these " prelove dinnertubes" ? Are they some kind of Rubber Tube containing your dinner that have been loved before ? If so I think I"ll give them a miss.
Will my presence be required at the "Send off"? If so, will free "Refreshments" be provided? If not I think I"ll give that a miss as well.
I would, however like to wish our two intrepid explorers the best of luck on their perilous journey to the Southlands. I'm sure they will be successful despite the lack of any kind of safety equipment.
No doubt the meeting with the Aussie Tittibongs will be a tearful and emotional affair but I'm sure that our representatives will keep a stiff upper lip and do us all proud.

Comment by: Veronica on 29th September 2017 at 09:29

Well I think you are all brilliant and comical- certainly put me in the shade - it all helps to keep 'dementia ' at bay! But surely this is 'The End' or there'll be mutiny on HMS Wigan World!

Comment by: Albert. on 29th September 2017 at 10:52

A very wonderful blessing to have Phillip, a natural gift of an artistic tendency, in any field of the arts.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 29th September 2017 at 14:34

Sleep easy in your hammock, Veronica, as Up Anchor hasn't yet been called. Now hear me shipmates, rail me in and pool your main suggestions, as their time may now be up, and by their singularity would also have been quite incapable of grappling with The Agulhas. While Master G.W.s kindly suggestion of Fleur-de-lis is admiral, the current hubbub of deck life suggests to me that I would be better positioned if allowed 'day release' instead ... hand me the grog, Master. So perhaps I may now be given permission to suggest 'hic' that the crew also considers The Good Ship Julie as back up, with the eponymous heroine as Fleur-de-lis. She is twin-masted, far-reaching, a real corker, and would see the vessel set fair. Amen.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 29th September 2017 at 16:14

Albert: Thanks for that. And yes, it is great to have a hobby. I haven't completed any paintings for quite a while now - just five since august 2015 - , but I maintain my interest, and will 'get going' again. I also have decent collections of stamps and cigarette cards, and check each item upon receipt - cleaning if necessary. You mentioned recently how you and your chums always enjoyed playing table games ... perhaps you would also like to search Images for a particular set of cigarette cards that was issued in 1929 by Carreras Ltd. "Carreras Playing Card and Dominoes", will find it. Each card is comprised of one playing-card and one domino, separated by a dotted line for ease of separation. I'm confident that the cards would have been easy to 'paw', but certain that the dominoes would have been a source of exasperation - goodness knows how they would have been 'shuffled'. Regards.

Comment by: Veronica on 29th September 2017 at 16:38

Ahoy! I was thinking of naming this ship " The Chocolate Bounty". May God Bless her and all (me and GDoubleyolk) who sail in her! I have amassed many gifts for the good souls of Tittybong which includes matches, as they may still rub sticks. A few old necklaces and a couple of mirrors, a dozen
eggs and some chickens and a root of Hawthorn( merely for medicinal purposes! ) I am apprehensive of the rubber Dtease dolls as they may attract sharks! Also we will require a few chartered maps to help us locate the appropriate sea lanes leading down under - in charge of that department I nominate Sea Admiral Gormley as opposed to Captain (Dtease) Bligh, or indeed that King of the Road and Wagons Himself Ozymandias! We don't wish to arrive in Jimcumbilly rather than Tittybong. It is also vital we know the whereabouts of 'Our Man in Tittybong'. What say you Sir?

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 29th September 2017 at 22:39

You need have no fears regarding the inflatable DTeases Veronica. As a matter of fact, they're remarkably lifelike and will most likely have the effect of scaring off marine predators, rather than attracting them. Now if by any chance, you should find yourself washed up on the shore at Jimcumbilly, then you really must enquire of the natives as to the whereabouts of a certain bar called ' The Moody Cow ', it's named after my ex wife actually. It isn't far from the beach and I'm well known there by all the regulars. If that raven haired beauty, Fat Sheila is still running the place, just tell her to put the tinnies on Ozy's tab. If she isn't, then put them on G Doubleyolk's tab.

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