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Hindley & Abram Grammar School, Hindley


Form 3A at Hindley & Abram Grammar School, 1954.
Form 3A at Hindley & Abram Grammar School, 1954.
Photo: Pat Hutchinson
Views: 11,297
Item #: 265
Form 3A at Hindley & Abram Grammar School, 1954.

Comment by: June on 17th January 2008 at 19:35

Although I only went to the school in 1962? Iwas wondering if the teacher was the formidable Miss Whillis,who taught me.Talk was that she had taught overseas at one time in Formosa,whatever that may now be.

Comment by: Len Jones on 6th April 2008 at 16:03

It is indeed the formidable Miss Whillas (she would always tell you it was spelled with an 'a') who taught us History in the the third and fourth form, in 1951 and 1952.

Comment by: June on 18th July 2008 at 18:36

Thanks Len,I said formidable because she always made you sit upright when writing in your history book and always commented on the way you held your pen !! No nonsense in her history lessons.Mind you,we were respectful of teachers then-shut up and stand up when they entered a room.I am informed by my teaching sister that repect seems to have disappeared.One of my favourites was Mrs.Vernon,senior mistress,who taught frech."Bonjour mes eleves asseyez vous s'il vous plait",was her greeting on entering the classroom and we all stood and replied 'Bonjour madam.Another was Miss Anderton,english language and literature,I attribute my passing lit and lang GCE O levels to this lady.I didn't like 'Gubby'Allen,geography,cos he once threw a board duster at me for talking and it wasn't me!Ben(Mr.Leigh)chemistry was a right one for kicking stools out from under the lads if they weren't sat properly or he'd pull the hairs on the back of their necks.Sounds horrendous but it wasn't -I would go back there right now if I could.School dinners were excellent.

Comment by: old boy on 25th May 2009 at 20:25

Some names:

Top: Jimmy Whisker, Keith Burns, John Ashton, ?, Edward Tinsley, ?, David Litherland, ?, ?, Eric Smith, Kenneth Baron.

2nd row: ?, ?, Susan Williams, Pauline Snape, ?, ?, Norman Cowburn, ?, ?, ?, Eileen Turner, ?.

3rd row: ?, ?, ?, Miss Whillas, Judith Higson, ?, Anne Sherrington, Beryl Anders. ?

Comment by: Irene White on 1st December 2009 at 01:50

The photo Oh happy days, My first year at HAGS
1st row Jimmy Whiskers, Keith Burns, John Ashton,?, Edward? Greenough,Edward Tinsley,?,David Litherland,John Henry,? Eric Smith, Kenneth Baron
2nd row Audrey Eardley,Sheila Etherington?, Pauline Snape,Kathleen Prescott,?, ?Cowburn,Kathleen Alker,Sheila Isherwood,Margaret Riding,Eileen Turner,Joan Parkinson.
3rd Row Marlene Heaton, Brenda Davies, Barbara?,Pat Hutchinson,Tessa Jones Miss Whillas,Judith Higson,Irene White,Ann Sherrinton,Beryl Anders, Margaret Baron.

Comment by: Irene on 8th December 2009 at 01:07

Just remembered
Tom Greenough next to John Ashton and John Henry next to David Litherland on Row 1 and Sheila Edmonson not Etherington on line 2

Comment by: David Litherland on 23rd November 2016 at 17:23

The person between Edward Tinsley and myself is Dennis Fothergill. The person to the left of Norman Cowburn is (I think), Adrain Banks

Comment by: Rosie G on 18th February 2017 at 17:03

Ma Whillas was an absolute bitch, really nowty ! Miss Anderton could have her moments as well. Yes, I remember being thrown at with board dusters and 'Ben' trying to knock you off your , which we would invariably be 'swaying' on their back legs. Apart from that though, a good school all in all.

Comment by: Sue Cook on 15th July 2021 at 09:30

I was in this picture....as Susan Williams! So lovely to have found this site (though rather late). Lots of happy memories and so good to have reminders of everyone's name in my class. Does anyone remember Mr Dowell, the (disabled) music master who used to play his own compositions at the school concerts. I can remember running off with stage fright when he asked me to sing a solo as a first year, but went on to sing in several operas and act in various plays. I enjoyed those more than lessons unfortunately!

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