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Higher Ince Walking Day


Higher Ince '58 or '59
Higher Ince '58 or '59
Photo: Stephen Price
Views: 3,422
Item #: 7136
Me and my sister Janet outside our house 30, Belle Green Lane. I think it was just before the walk and i'm obviously not looking forward to it.

Comment by: June on 24th August 2008 at 18:47

Stephen, if you lived in the corner house,just before Earl Street,I used to call for your sister to go to school - Hindley & Abram.I was the only girl going to the grammar school that year so my mum arranged for me to go with Janet so she could show me the ropes.

Comment by: anne on 24th August 2008 at 19:27

my grand parents lived across the road from you at number 31 belle green lane next to engineers.and my grandmas sister sally lived next door she was married to billy walls who later went on to marry annie walls

Comment by: Stephen on 24th August 2008 at 19:38

June, yes we lived in the corner house and my sister went to HAGS. What's your suname? Would i know you?

Comment by: Stephen on 25th August 2008 at 10:41

Anne, i remember the names of the Walls and i can remember other families who lived next to or very close to them. The Dwyers and i think Litherland. There was also a lad we used to call 'little Billy Green' because there was another Billy Green who lived a bit further up the lane who was older. Our Next door neighbours where the Ainscoughs, Ilene and Harry were the kids

Comment by: June on 29th August 2008 at 18:50

Stephen,my name was McDermott then and your Janet must have been older than me as she was already at HAGS when I started there.I also remember the Walls's opposite who had a black & tan dog called Mickey.I used to play with it when it wandered away from home.I also remember pie P's and Sally Foys chippy and Boardmans shop opposite.We lived in Reservoir Sreet,just after the paper shop and King Street.

Comment by: Stephen on 30th August 2008 at 16:10

June, There was a Tery McDermot in my class, any relation?

Comment by: June on 12th September 2008 at 19:49

Sorry Stephen,only me and my sister Julie,no brothers.

Comment by: Stephen on 14th September 2008 at 20:18

June, we had a black and tan dog called Ricky. You can just about see half of him on the family photo (bottom right)outside our house. Could this have been your playmate.

Comment by: June on 23rd September 2008 at 20:07

Sorry Stephen, the dog was definitely called Mickey and belonged to the Walls family.Not having a family pet at the time,I used to borrow anyone else's that happened along.

Comment by: June on 23rd September 2008 at 20:15

I looked at your family pic Stephen and your dog is not the one I used to play with.

Comment by: Stephen on 23rd September 2008 at 21:56

Hi June, It was just a thought 'Mickey' 'Ricky'
Believe it or not, when Ricky died we got a Jack Russel and called it 'Mickey' We were in Platt Bridge then though. Hope you are well, Stephen

Comment by: Stephen on 24th September 2008 at 20:12

June, just remembered it was Terry McMullen i was at school with not Terry McDermot

Comment by: June on 25th September 2008 at 21:10

Glad we solved that one Stephen.I joined Lancs Constabulary as a girl cadet at 17 in 1969,even had the pleasure of pounding the beat with 'big Amy'.My family moved into the new houses in King Street and sis is still there.I am now in Hindley Green.I cant work now though,as a stroke left me disabled.I miss working terribly as I had found my niche at last,aged 48,as a prisoner custody officer with Group 4,transporting prisoners all over the country in prison vans.By ferry to the Isle of Wight and by air to Northern Ireland.I really did love my job and it bugs me now that I cant do it.Its wonderful looking at the old photos in the album and all the memories they bring back.

Comment by: jm on 27th September 2008 at 12:52

Hi Annie
your grandmother and her sister Sally were they related to the Leylands? was your grans maiden name Leyland

Comment by: Gerry on 20th October 2009 at 18:29

Was this House a couple of doors away from Annie Cappers shop?

Comment by: Stephen on 22nd October 2009 at 19:13

Yes Gerry, we lived at the corner of Belle Green Lane and Earl St. The Ainscoughs lived next door to us and there was an entry and then Cappers

Comment by: Kathleen Devine (nee McSorley) on 29th November 2009 at 19:18

I remember Janet very well, I use to attend Ince Central at the same time as she did. I recognised her on the picture before I saw your comments Stephen.

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