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Higher Ince Walking Day


Ince Central Walking Day
Ince Central Walking Day
Photo: Stuart Jarvis
Views: 2,359
Item #: 19009
This photograph was taken by Edith Owen born in 1913 in 16 Stopford Street and was in the 1920s Judging by the fashion.

Comment by: aitch on 26th November 2011 at 16:50

It looks as if that photo was taken in School street, with Ince Green lane towards the left hand side

Comment by: irene roberts on 26th November 2011 at 20:56

I started school here in the "babies class", as we called it then, in the late 1950s; the "new" school was being built across the road in Charles St./Pickup St. and we moved across there on completion, but I feel so glad to have attended this old school, even for such a short time. I can still see, in my mind's eye, the coal-fire in the "babies'" classroom, with wet mittens steaming gently on the huge fireguard on Winter
afternoons, and the rows of smelly toilets..... each toilet consisting of simply a board with a hole in it!.....outside in the schoolyard.
Aitch, I spoke to Our Colin last night;he says "Hello".

Comment by: josie on 26th November 2011 at 21:53

aww a lovely photo,its a shame that it was demolished as was st williams with its classrooms with roaring fires we wont see that again,i loved drinking my little bottle of ice cold milk in the lovely cozy classroom.

Comment by: tony on 28th November 2011 at 10:51

walking pass ince central school going to st williams school in the 50s i remember getting pelted with snowballs and being shouted at "catholic bulldog" but i can't remember my reply.

Comment by: irene roberts on 28th November 2011 at 13:49

Your reply was probably "Protestant Mop-rag". We used to sing "Catholic Bulldogs, Pepper and Salt",(pronounced "sawt"), "Can't eat their dinner with a knife and fork"!.....St.William's pupils used to sing "Protestant Mop-rags, Pepper ans salt" etc. etc.; none of ir was meant maliciously and we all played together. People would be up in arms hearing it these days, but it was just children being children.

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