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Hart family


Photo of Driving Licence (Turned around)
Photo of Driving Licence (Turned around)
Photo: Margaret Wall
Views: 1,820
Item #: 25131
Hope you don't think I'm interfering but it easier on the eyes this way.

Comment by: AB on 16th April 2014 at 11:10

Margaret, Did he ever take a test? I remember my Aunt Dorothy taking out a licence in 1941 and she was later given a full licence. I doubt there were any driving tests during the war ???

Comment by: Margaret Wall on 16th April 2014 at 13:19

Sorry AB, I was just sticking my nose in by turning the photo round. I don't know any details and I hope I haven't caused any offence to Mr Bill Hart!

Comment by: Albert. on 16th April 2014 at 14:36

AB. I suppose there was some type of driving test, otherwise, I shouldn't have thought there was a need to issue provisional licences.

Comment by: Albert. on 16th April 2014 at 14:48

Margaret. Did you live at 6, or 36, Chapel Street? If you lived at No6, I worked for a short time at the Wagon Works, at Higher Ince, with a chap, he lived in your street. It is such a long time ago, I've forgotten his name. He lived in the first two, or three houses, in Chapel Street, on the right hand side, as you came up from the council houses. I lived in the council house, where the side window faced towards Chapel Street.

Comment by: AB on 16th April 2014 at 15:27

I don,t know if she had a provisional licence or not but her brother required a delivery driver and the local garage owner,gave her some lessons ( A drive round the block more or less)

Comment by: Kenee on 16th April 2014 at 16:38

No endorsements then.

Comment by: Bill Hart on 16th April 2014 at 18:09

Thank you Margaret - Much appreciated turning it! Fred and Alice Johnson with Hazel and Paul lived at no 20 Chapel Street. My dad with his parents and 3 sisters Eleen, Alice and Margaret Hart were brought up here.

Comment by: Margaret Wall on 16th April 2014 at 18:10

Hello Albert. I never lived at Chapel Street. I was born and brought up in Manley Street, Lower Ince.

Comment by: Bill Hart on 16th April 2014 at 18:11

My dad never took a driving test... he was in the REME Regiment where he learned to drive there...

Comment by: Albert on 16th April 2014 at 19:17

Sorry Margaret, I should put my question to Bill.

Comment by: Albert. on 16th April 2014 at 19:27

Margaret. A good friend of mine lived in Manley Street, Graham Worthington,. Lived at No 11. Another friend of mine lived in the street, at the back of Manley Street, ran from the top of Harvey Street. Name Bill Cooper.

Comment by: Margaret Wall on 16th April 2014 at 22:35

Albert we lived right opposite the Worthingtons and I remember Graham very well. I found out by chance on Wigan World that he sadly died some time ago. We lived at number 12 and the whole row was demolished in the late 70's, so at this point we moved to Winifred Street. I live at Appley Bridge now but now and again I take a sentimental journey and drive up our old streets if I'm going in that direction. They were blissfully happy days, which I will never forget.

Comment by: Albert. on 17th April 2014 at 14:42

Margaret. My cousin lives at Appley Bridge, off Broadriding.

Comment by: DotM on 27th April 2014 at 13:40

My Dad Bram Humphreys born in 1913 in Wigan never took a driving test. I remember him saying that he was taught to drive by being taken to Standish Lower Ground in a lorry and told to drive it back to Wigan. He was a very good driver and spent much of his working life driving various vehicles including buses in war time.

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