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Hart family


Robert Hart - My Grandfather
Robert Hart - My Grandfather
Photo: Bill Hart
Views: 1,764
Item #: 18427
Known unofficially as 'Dr' Bob Hart - A Springs Branch Railway's Medic who had a fine reputation amongst the locals too, for curing aches and pains and lots of known - and unknown - ills.

Real Doctor's had to be paid for back then, so the poorer people sought-out his long experience and well-known expertise. He also made or mixed-up his 'secret' ointment, and people would come from miles around, knocking on his door in Chapel St, Lower Ince at all hours begging him for treatment, or to procure his 'magic' cure-all ointment for immediate attempt's of long-lasting pain relief! People swore by it - so I was told my my father Bill.

When 'ole' Bob died in the 1950's, my dad waited anxiously for his father's Will and paper's to be released - particularly the revealing of the well-kept secret ingredient's of 'Dr Bob's Ointment' - of which he would never divulge to anybody including his family. My dad did try to get him to do so - but for 'Dr' Bob's own peculiar reasons, it was of no avail; he just wouldn't budge. Dad's thought's were about manufacturing it big-time-commercially maybe - and make us a fortune in the process - such was it's esteemed reputation. But nothing was ever found and the secret 'cure-all' died along with his name.

So after that, all the Wigan people could do for cheap 'miracle cure's' - in the absence of 'Dr' Bob Hart Ointment - was to keep sucking on an Uncle Joe's Mint Ball... and didn't they make William Santus and his family a fortune out of it! If only...

Comment by: Christine W ard. on 14th September 2011 at 22:35

I loved this story which took me back to my old granny Fawcett. All her daughters, my mam included, suffered badly with arthritis but granny made ointment, in white pleated tubs, which she called `chilly paste`.
My mam rubbed it on her legs every night until one night my dad had got some on his (unmentionable) part, running to the bathroom to put it under the tap as it was `on fire`. But this, of course, made it burn hotter so from then on no more cilly paste was ever seen in our house.
(My dad went to bed in a flap shirt, never pj`s)

Comment by: Christine Dunphy(formerly Jones) on 28th October 2011 at 15:30

My dad worked on the railways,Springs Branch, and I'm sure I heard him talk about Bob Hart, or a name very similar, many many years ago now. My dad used to make his own cough medicine when we were children from black treacle, brown sugar and garlic. It had other herbs and spices in it, but I cant for the life of me remember what. It tasted foul (garlic wasnt used as much then as it is now) and the kitchen fairly hummed with the smell. Nevertheless, it worked, even though you stank for two days after taking it!

Christine, thanks for cheering my afternoon up. My washing machine flooded the kitchen out yesterday, so I needed a good laugh. I've been sat here laughing my head off. The lads (my husband and son) think the pressures finally got to me. Your story's hysterical.

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