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Looking up Hallgate from the Rectory 1948
Looking up Hallgate from the Rectory 1948
Photo: Peter Mason
Views: 2,585
Item #: 14215
Looking through the entrance to the Rectory, up Hallgate before the vandals got to work !!!!

Comment by: vic on 25th March 2010 at 17:28

Brilliant photo, never seen this one before

Comment by: Cyril on 25th March 2010 at 17:29

You're right about vandals Peter, Wigan was at that time and even later unique in its own way, now it's just like any other modernised town - all cloned with plastic and concrete by architects and developers.

Comment by: tricia on 25th March 2010 at 19:36

Hi Cyril,
Completely agree.. although I prefer to use the term 'architects and planners' very loosely when referring to these people. Lunatics in charge of the asylum comes to mind.... Maybe they were brought up in a town that has a Rival Rugby team!!!!!

Comment by: dave marsh on 25th March 2010 at 22:28

That was The National Blue Coat School just across the road on the left.My mum was a cleaner there.

Comment by: Cyril on 29th May 2010 at 19:37

I lived in this house (The Rectory Lodge) for 12 yrs....Dad was Verger at the Parish Church. The front was in Frog Lane and a proper bit of Wigan....whereas the BACK was like living in the countryside....woods, winding paths, rabbits....the lot...some lovely boyhood memories. The room over the gate (the window you see) was the bathroom, which could be a very chilly place in the winter !!

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 22nd February 2024 at 10:11

I saw on a old map posted by Ron, that this was referred to as School Lodge. For which School I can only speculate.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 22nd February 2024 at 13:56

Cyril, your time there is more than very interesting, you should see if you can gain access to rekindle some memories and perhaps take a few pictures of the interior.
My aunty and uncle lived across the road in Richmond Street to the right opposite The National Blue Coat School that my two cousins went to in the 1950's.
Like many old pictures of the time, the streets always look clean, very little in the way of litter!

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