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Wigan Album

HUNT family


Parents' Wedding Photo
Parents' Wedding Photo
Views: 2,594
Item #: 33406
Just come across this photo of my parents wedding. Don't know the date but mid late 1930's. I've put it on the site to show the style of wedding dress back then compared to today's wedding dress's

Comment by: Veronica on 9th November 2021 at 13:12

How lovely, an elaborate dress but so demure and what a beautiful looking girl. There was no need then to put everything on show. The veil, the dress and flowers were enough.

Comment by: Edna on 9th November 2021 at 14:05

What a treasure for you, this photo Ron, a lovely looking couple, and the dress is beautiful.Thanks for sharing.

Comment by: Maureen on 9th November 2021 at 14:42

What a lovely photo to cherish Ron..your Dad looks so smart and your Mums dress is lovely..so feminine...I'm still trying to decide who you look like...I hope you have it framed.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 9th November 2021 at 15:07

Beautiful photo of a good-looking couple.I agree Veronica,a lot of present day wedding dresses are more like ball gowns.

Comment by: irene roberts on 9th November 2021 at 15:15

Absolutely beautiful! I don't like some of today's strapless wedding dresses, showing everything, and don't start me on tattooed brides!! How beautiful, feminine and gracious is that lovely lady?! Absolutely stunning!

Comment by: Cloie on 9th November 2021 at 16:19

Thanks for sharing your family photo. Both look so elegant.

Comment by: Veronica on 9th November 2021 at 16:44

I have seen pictures in 'Hello' and It tickles me when some brides buy an expensive wedding dress and wade in the surf in it when they get married Abroad! (I don't buy the magazine I have to say, just see it sometimes in the supermarket. )

Comment by: John G on 9th November 2021 at 17:00

Irene:I’am with you with the tattoos! Why on earth would I want to marry a young Woman with more tattoos than me, I once went out with a girl with what can only be described as the Ark Royal air craft carrier with two floats tattooed on her chest, come to think of it she was from Platt Bridge. Ron please excuse my ramblings, your Mam and Dad look the Bees knees, like we all did once young and innocent.

Comment by: irene roberts on 9th November 2021 at 20:45

John G, I lived in Platt Bridge for three years before I got married, (minus tattoos, I assure you!), and there were some lovely, decent people there, as there still are.

Comment by: John G on 10th November 2021 at 09:22

Irene: I’am sorry to read this morning that you have taken offence to my post to you.
Their is know way I would want to cause offence to you Irene.
It was meant to be lighthearted humour, a bit of leg pull, I’am sorry you did not see it that way, so I offer my humble apology to you, I thought you knew me by now, always looking for the banter and humorous side to events, but I except I was wrong.

Comment by: irene roberts on 10th November 2021 at 10:25

Not at all, John G....I wasn't for one moment offended on a personal level. It's just that Platt Bridge gets so much bad publicity, (sadly deserved in some cases!),but ALL the residents there tend to get tarred with the same brush as the "bad 'uns" when really there are many good and decent families. I was just sticking up for those in that bracket who must despair at being constantly and unfairly classed with the trouble-makers. We were moved to Platt Bridge from Ince in 1971 due to our house being demolished, and the two estates in Platt Bridge quickly got a bad name due to a minority of people. To the people who lived in Platt Bridge previous to the Council Estates being built, it will never be the village it once was , but neither will anywhere else..... sadly, anti-social behaviour is getting widespread now. Please carry on with the banter....I love a bit of fun on The Album and Photo-a-Day....I was just sticking up for Platt Bridge, not for myself. Sorry! Don't fall out with me!

Comment by: winnie on 10th November 2021 at 10:58

Lovely photo ,Ron what are your parents names I will see if I can find the marriage date for you.

Comment by: John G on 10th November 2021 at 11:33

Irene: I don’t think I could fall out with any of the WW females I like you all.
When you talk about sticking up for Platt Bridge people their is something you don’t know, When I was at CWS glass Works I tried to stickup for them myself, I think I helped get another 12 months out of Rockware before they shut the place, but lads who worked there needed a scape goat and I put my neck on the chopping board.
But I can hand on heart say I did try.

Comment by: Veronica on 10th November 2021 at 12:09

I remember going to see a Grt Aunt in the fifties, by the name of Crompton who lived in a lovely house in Walthew Lane
( or similar) and they were quite well off I'll have you know! Well it was certainly posh to me coming from Scholes.

Comment by: irene roberts on 10th November 2021 at 12:33

Thanks for your reply John, and glad we've got that sorted. We lived just round the corner from the glassworks when we went to live on Millers Lane Estate in 1971. There are some lovely ladies on WW.Album and Photo-a-Day........Dolly, (Veronica), and I love a good laugh! Some lovely gentlemen too. I look forward to the banter.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 22nd November 2021 at 19:57

Winnie their names are Thomas Hunt and Gladys Veronica Bennett

Comment by: Donald Underwood on 25th November 2021 at 12:10

Ron.They were married in the October-December Quaret of 1939

Comment by: Donald Underwood on 25th November 2021 at 12:26

They were married on 18th November 1939 at St George's.He of Vaughan Street,she of Greenough Street

Comment by: RON HUNT on 25th November 2021 at 22:13

Thanks for the information Donald. I knew it was somewhere around that month. as My dad died the week before their 60th wedding anniversary. I still have the telegram from the Queen somewhere???

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