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Stag Hotel, Garswood
Stag Hotel, Garswood
Photo: Roy Millett
Views: 5,480
Item #: 8846
This is one for the old Garswooders. Taken at the main door of the Stag.
Back row: Len Picton, Jack Cunliffe, Jackie Millett (my Dad - landlord at the time), Jimmy Cunliffe, Bert Millett (my uncle Bert)
Front: Billy Lyon, Jack Simm.
Must be early 1950s.

Comment by: fred foster on 22nd January 2009 at 17:39

I remember Jackie Millett when he was a fruit and veg hawker. He walked with a limp which I believe was a legacy of the mining industry. I worked with Bert Millett for a while at the Seneley Green drift mine, one of the Coal Board's disasters.

Comment by: Roy Millett on 22nd January 2009 at 20:55

Yes Fred, My dad went to work at Stones' pit when he left school. He had an accident with one of the tubs and one of his legs was almost severed at the knee. Luckily the surgeon managed to save it but he did have a limp for a while I believe. He did get some compensation for the accident and used the money to buy a horse and cart which he used to hawk fruit and veg round Garswood, Downall Green and Haydock. I've still got his hawker's licence somewhere.
Nice to hear from you,

Comment by: helen barlow on 13th November 2009 at 20:26

are you related to alice millett who lived next door to my granny and grandad jane and bill dixon at 339 garswood road alice and tom millett lived in the first house in the oaks going towards garswood hillock.

Comment by: Roy Millett on 24th January 2011 at 13:44

Helen, Sorry to have been so long in responding but yes,Alice Miller was my aunt. Her husband was named George, not Tom. I think Tom Miller was his brother but I may be wrong. They were definitely related though.
All the best,
Roy Millett

Comment by: Roy Millett on 24th January 2011 at 14:00

I've only just noticed your comment about you working with my Uncle Bert. It may interest you to know that he actually died while at work down the pit (Lavin's I think). I remember this because nobody was available to identify the body so the job fell to me and I had to go to see his body on the slab at Ashton Town Hall. That must be getting on for 50 years ago mow.

Comment by: iangregson on 31st March 2012 at 05:54

jackie millet used to deliver coal also - I remember him I lived at 349 Garswood Rd

Comment by: carole birch on 18th May 2012 at 00:00

didnt jackie millet used to keep the fruit n veg lorry in a big garage opp the stag.remember goin for fruit for me mum margaret .monica used to serve me

Comment by: carole birch on 14th June 2012 at 10:14

does anyone remember my grandad tommy lowe ?

Comment by: Ged on 17th February 2013 at 21:46

Carole Birch, I remember Tommy Lowe from Garswood Rd, He had a son Norman, Redg, daughter Margaret & another who i forget,

Comment by: carole birch on 28th January 2014 at 22:00

Hi Ged yes my grandad was Tommy Lowe , he had 5 children Norman , Beatrice , Joyce Reggie and Margaret... Margaret is my mum

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