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Garswood Station
Garswood Station
Photo: Lyndon Crompton
Views: 2,456
Item #: 16985
42733 on shunting duties, August 10th.1959. Does anyone know the driver and fireman. These two would always let us stay in the cab whilst shunting which was a dream come true for us 11 year olds.

Comment by: Tom on 3rd February 2011 at 17:38

I think the driver's name was Ken Devonport from Springs Branch

Comment by: John B on 3rd February 2011 at 19:35

Nice pics Lyndon

Comment by: Derek Bond on 4th February 2011 at 14:01

11 yr olds in the cab whilst shunting? What would Elf'n'Safety make of that today? Not to mention Childrens Services who would have been round like a shot. Simpler and more innocent times, but in many ways so much better, if not in material terms, than now.

Comment by: Dougie on 4th February 2011 at 17:08

their may have been a bobby watching Derek that you don't know about lol

Comment by: Derek Bond on 5th February 2011 at 20:51

Dougie, if one of the the bobbies of those days had been watching, he would probably have helped lift the lads onto the footplate1 Mind you, he wouldn't have had as many other things to cope with as the cops of today do!

Comment by: Michael Webster on 7th December 2013 at 20:28

I think that the then local flying squad was bobby Harrison who lived at Downall Green.He always used his common sense and turned a blind eye.

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