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Devine family


Ken Devine
Ken Devine
Photo: David Devine
Views: 4,955
Item #: 9559
My brother Ken who played the violin for the Halle Orchestra. Photo taken in 1990.

Comment by: Graham on 29th October 2011 at 08:33

Just read that Ken was a friend of Fred Dibnah, and occasionally used to join Fred up a chimney, sometimes taking his fiddle with him!

Comment by: david devine on 25th November 2011 at 21:37

it was true. and the stories i could tell, unfortunatly both died.i know ken was my brother. but it was an honour to hsve known the both of them.
graham if you want to ask me about the paiur of them email me

Comment by: Harry K on 3rd February 2012 at 11:23

Know any more porkies, If Ken Devine went up chimneys with Fred Dibnah why are there no photos or any documented evidence on this, If true the newspapers and TV would have been there quick sticks, PS Better off reading the Beano than believing that.

Comment by: Susan Mather nee Green on 7th April 2012 at 16:02

Kenneth Devine regularly went up chimneys with Fred - much to his wife's (kenneths) annoyance. Fred was not as well known then but even so he was not always followed by reporters or TV crew.Don't be so cynical - why would anyone tell such lies?

Comment by: Harry K on 11th April 2012 at 16:49

Hi Susan Mather, I only believe things that i can see and read about,PROVEN STUFF, not listening to porkie pies,not one iota of evidence to support this, I have seen stories like that in COMIC BOOKS when i was 5.

Comment by: David Devine on 12th April 2012 at 22:14

Reading your acid remark, tells me you must lead a sad life when all you can do is pull a fine person to pieces. who died twenty years ago before Fred was well known.
if you took the time to watch is show, if you hsd read his books you might get your fact's right. Ken was a violinist in an international orchestra. he couldn't risk having photo taken, he would have lost his job.
In 1n 1991 Fred was on Desert Island Discs, he was asked who was the most impressive person he had ever met, hlx answer was Ken Devine, and by the way, myself and my uncle also went up chimneys with Fred
and I have photo's to prove it.
wake up an as said before get your facts right

Comment by: Alf Molyneux on 13th April 2012 at 11:30

Allthough I never met Ken Devine Fred told me several times of Ken going up mill chimneys and playing violin, and I have seen a photo, where it is now I dont know. Freds mate Alf.

Comment by: Mary A on 17th April 2012 at 15:26


Comment by: Mary A on 21st April 2012 at 15:20

Believe nothing,no matter where you read it,or who said it,no matter if i have said it,unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense, - Buddh.-

Comment by: Harry K on 27th April 2012 at 15:09

To DIDDY DAVID, Spend more time learning to read and write without trying to be clever telling folk to wake up, If you knew who i was you would not say wake up to me,

Comment by: Nick Billington on 31st May 2012 at 15:04

Oh dear Harry K, I have not laughed so much in ages. Telling David Devine to learn to read and write when you can't even grasp when you are suppose to use commas and full stops. To quote you "if you knew who I was"....my guess is that you are not an English teacher.
See attached link for picture of Ken Devine with Fred:

Comment by: Harry K on 31st May 2012 at 16:31

Hi Nick, I sez as i sees, Not intu commus and stuf but i hav always sinc bein at infents scool a superp reeder and riter,

Comment by: Nick Billington on 1st June 2012 at 11:49

Good for you Harry, your Sunday School teachers must be very proud of you! So are you still of the opinion that the above stories are "porkies"?

Comment by: Harry K on 10th June 2012 at 16:05

Hi Nick, I do know one thing for sure that went up chimneys with Fred was his flat cap, Cant find any other info about any one else , His wife went part way once, sorry about grammar.

Comment by: Sam Hazell on 11th July 2012 at 15:53

I am really struggling to understand WHY Harry is being so nasty ??? David Devine is a very nice man but is also very ill and does not need such vile and offensive comments. Please Stop.

Comment by: Paul C. on 20th September 2012 at 10:13

If Harry K. cares to look in David Hall's book, about Fred, he will see a photo of Ken, actually taken by Fred, up a stack.....but I expect Harry will even put that into denial!!

Comment by: Harry K. on 20th September 2012 at 14:54

Hi Paul C, Where have you been all this time, i have been waiting for some comments, The only picture i have seen of him is at the top of Wigan Parish church, you are quite welcome to send photos in then we can have a look, thats what i have been looking for.

Comment by: paul c on 23rd September 2012 at 16:52

to harry k, good luck in your quest.....why you don't believe what good, decent people are telling you, i don't understand, considering the documentary evidence, anecdotes etc....they have absolutely no reason to lie.

Comment by: John Bannister on 27th October 2015 at 12:50

I knew Ken and Fred in the late 60s early 70s and can verify that ken did go up some chimneys. I think Ken and his family lived in Turton at the time, as I recall going there with Fred a few times after work.

Comment by: Tim Cooke on 21st November 2016 at 13:55

I have just had the pleasure of working at the house of of David Devine, and he showed me some wonderful photos of Fred and his brother back in the day. I could have spent all day there....wonderful memories. Cheers david.

Comment by: alan brindle on 25th November 2018 at 14:38

to the best of my knowledge it is quite likely that ken did climb up one of fred's chimneys he also kept planks of oak in fred's yard that he would make into linen fold panels, one of his specialities he also worked on building sites.

Comment by: David King on 11th October 2022 at 19:50

My father played trumpet in the Halle Orchestra with Ken Devine & the stories of Ken going up chimneys with Frad Dibnah were well known amongst orchestral players but the management never had an inkling as Ken's job would have been at serious risk!I used to enjoy our fish n chips lunches near deansgate when rehearsals were at the Free Trade Hall.Happy days.David King violinist...

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