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Dad's Grandma in Durham


Dad's Granny and Great Aunt Dot
Dad's Granny and Great Aunt Dot
Photo: Anne Melling
Views: 1,773
Item #: 27621
Lady with hands on her hips is Great aunt Dot(she looks fearsome) on the extreme right is Dad's Granny Best. Don't know who the others are lived at Hett Count Durham. Look at those clothes like something from Catherine Cookson film.

Comment by: Vb on 23rd February 2016 at 22:24

Those ladies might look formidable Anne but they were probably the salt of the earth! The older granny has a sweet face though! They all look as if they have worked really hard in their lives.

Comment by: Anne Melling on 23rd February 2016 at 23:18

yes your right I met Great Aunt Dot on one of my many visits
to Durham she was a sweet old lady she was bedridden by then
that was in 1976

Comment by: pberry on 13th May 2016 at 23:20

Amazing photos Anne, very lucky to have them.

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