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Cunliffes from School Street


Joseph Cunliffe and his children
Joseph Cunliffe and his children
Photo: Graham Parkinson
Views: 2,939
Item #: 31203
My grandfather, Joseph Cunliffe and his children, my mother Joan and mum's brother Norman. They lived in School Street and Bold Street but I think this is the former.

Comment by: Veronica on 9th May 2019 at 14:05

What a great photograph - this is what WW is all about. Bringing the past back for a few moments. It looks like dad's on leave.. I remember School St- cut down there many a time to go 'up- town'.

Comment by: Graham on 9th May 2019 at 19:35

As far as I can remember Grandad Cunliffe was in St Johns Ambulace Brigade and I think that's the uniform he is wearing in the photo. He saw many a game at Central Park while he was 'on duty'!

Comment by: Donald Underwood on 15th May 2019 at 21:32

Look at those rubbing stoned doorsteps.Norman is a contributor to this website I remember his mother's shop at,I think,32 Millgate.We joined Was together in 1943,he from St George's,I from St.Catharine's

Comment by: Norman Cunliffe on 19th May 2019 at 10:14

Hello Donald, I remember you well at WGS. Am I correct in saying you lived just round the corner at the top of Greenough St? There is an annual WGS Old Boys Dinner every year.Why don't you come to the next one, April 2020?

Comment by: Donald Underwood on 20th May 2019 at 10:47

Norman.Yes,I lived for a wh ice at 162 Scholes.I have appeared a couple of times at the Reunion but, now in London,rather like good red wined not travel well.There is the class photo of 3A 1943-44 on this site.Sadly some are gone Booth,Duddle,Eccles,Hewitt,Horrocks,Lown,Seddon,Swalwell,Turner & Unsworth for sure.Russell Parsons has kept me in touch in recent years,thogh now in Stafford.Was I right about the Millgate address?

Comment by: Norman Cunliffe on 26th May 2019 at 14:15

Yes Donald, you were quite right about the Millgate address. I just wonder how you knew! Very sorry we didn't meet at the Re-Union Dinner.Quite possibly I wasn't there; I have missed several because I live in Thailand part of the year. If ever you are in the Wigan area, please let me know. We've reached the age when rolling back the years is a real tonic.

Comment by: Donald Underwood on 30th May 2019 at 18:08

I have no idea why I retain this info.I never visited there nor wrote to you& it is not as if I remember many Wigan addresses.I do have an amazing memory though.I can recall all 32 of those I started St Catharine's with in 1937

Comment by: Norman Cunliffe on 13th June 2019 at 10:37

My Dad played for the Wigan Highfield Rugby League Club in the 1920's. When the Club moved down to London, my Dad stayed in Wigan and joined the St.John Ambulance Brigade.
He was on duty for all Wigan R L home games and took me with him to sit in the Dugout on the River Douglas side of the field. It was the time when Clubs didn't have Physio's etc. and when a player was injured, a St.John's man went onto the field with the 'Magic Sponge' to attend to him.I was 6 years old when I used to sit in the Dugout and my blood still has red and white stripes in it 81 years later.

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