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Coal Wagon Tippler.
Coal Wagon Tippler.
Photo: Ron Hunt
Views: 6,395
Item #: 1050
Coal Wagon Tippler at Crooke.

Comment by: paul wilson on 12th June 2008 at 00:02

as a kid i used to [paly on this coal topper.all the residnts of crooke used to go "kebbing" in the canal for coal.that was using a sort of lobster pot style mesh basket with rope on,throw it in and drag coal off the bottom which fell off barges.illegal of course!! happy days

Comment by: Stella Jones (Robinson) on 14th March 2009 at 02:23

I think all the local children played around the area. Although I cannot see the people in the picture clearly I am pretty sure one of the men is my Grandfather

Comment by: Valerie Bradshaw (Southam) on 14th August 2009 at 20:14

Does anyone remeber hitching a lift on the footplate of the train at John Pit to Crooke?
Does anyone know what happened to Elaine Wilson who lived for a short while in the first house in Woodcock Row? Her mother, Agnes worked in the Crooke Hall Inn

Comment by: christine jolley on 15th July 2010 at 21:02

My Goodness I played here with Paul Wilson Vivienne Buckley Stella Robinson Pauline and Linda Kenny Denise Middlehurst as a child in the 1950's early 60's I used to watch out for Rat Tash coming so the Kebbers did not get caught I was the Look Out Rat Tash was the copper on the motorbike if anyone can remeber this at all!!! please e mail me I would love to hear from anyone My Memory is amazing and the things I can remember is invaluable xx

Comment by: gil cunliffe on 7th September 2011 at 16:36

played many a game of cricket at the side of canal six and out if you knocked it in the cut, kebbed loads of times and run towards the woods when rat tash came on his maroon motor bike. good times

Comment by: Paul Bullough on 27th May 2020 at 20:32

Hi Paul I think you used to knock about with my brother (Stephen) you are right they where great times once a crooker always a crooker

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