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Photo: roy fletcher
Views: 5,127
Item #: 14027
Do you know anyone from these photos

Comment by: broady on 14th March 2010 at 20:37

I know the woman at the front. Surely you do.

Comment by: Lucy on 15th March 2010 at 14:14

I certainly do as she the best Gran in the world

Comment by: roy fletcher on 15th March 2010 at 20:56

I think so Broady.

Comment by: Karen on 19th March 2010 at 11:57

Is the ladies surname Nevin? and is that Betty Jenkins in the dark jacket?

Comment by: Kathy McKie on 20th March 2010 at 14:39

Lady at the back in the pale grey coat is Jean Dean

Comment by: jean winstanley nee silcock on 11th April 2010 at 20:34

the lady in the red coat is bessie gray i worked with her in jacket room 1 the lady next to her i think it is doris stanton

Comment by: Elsie on 14th April 2010 at 14:27

Bessie Gray,Jean Dean,Betty Jenkins and Jean Fletcher.Great ladies.

Comment by: Gerry on 30th May 2011 at 20:41

Bessie is me mams Cousin

Comment by: David Baybutt on 19th September 2011 at 10:38

I worked at Coops in the 70s and though I know the two ladies at the back by sight the lady with gray hair and coat is not Doris Stanton, I worked with Doris and knew her well from my early days there I also remember Dorothy farrell, Nora Moss, Jennifer Rose,Susan Martain, and loads more, they were the best working days of my life.

Comment by: Doreen Hikey on 29th October 2011 at 19:54

Hi David, did you work in the press room? I worked at Coops from 1972 until 1982, mainly in the press room, Jessie Catterallused to mark the position of thr button holes, our section was button holes and buttons, quality control up at the top end, Dorothy Farrell was my supervisor, I still keep in touch and see Dorothy Farrell.

Comment by: David Baybutt on 29th December 2011 at 12:11

Hiya Doreen, To answer your question, yes I worked in the jacket pressing room. I was the first lad they took on in the press, when I was about 15 yrs. it would have been at the start of the 70s. I was really made up to read that Dorothy Farrell is still around, a nice lady who was good to me when I was there. I can still see all those faces from the past, still young in my minds eye. I don't think there are many places like Coops now. I know it was hard work making a bonus back then but we were young and I just want to remember the good times. It would be nice to know how the ones I knew are getting on now, I have got in touch with some through this site which was nice. Mybe it's getting older, or like looking back on a holiday, when things seem better than they actually were? I don't care! I still love to look back. Smile or cry in my mind and heart, THEY WERE GREAT TIMES.

Comment by: Olive Halliwell on 29th April 2016 at 11:14

Just seen this lovely photo. The lady in the dark jacket is my big sister Betty Jenkins.(Nee Stephens) I know all of the these ladies, Bessie Gray (Red jacket) next to her Jean Dean, Betty standing in front of her and last but not least her very best friend Jean Fletcher, Known lovingly as Mrs Fletcher to all Betty's grandchildren & great grandchildren
I never worked with these ladies but once went on a weekend trip with them to London. What a weekend, we never stopped laughing. Betty and Jean F. are the closest of friends, now 'ladies who lunch' once a week. May they continue to do so for many more years. Betty is one of the best sisters to have.

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