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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

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Cardinal Newman R.C. Secondary School, Hindley


Me c1962
Me c1962
Photo: Dannie McGinty
Views: 6,075
Item #: 18791
Dig the Uniform

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 28th October 2011 at 22:59

nice photo dannie how old were you there ,i also went to cardinal newman 1962 was my first year i think and i left in 66 you do look familiar .

Comment by: Gerry on 29th October 2011 at 10:51

Was it you that had the goat?

Comment by: Dannie on 29th October 2011 at 18:33

Hi Josie the photo of me was about 1961 or 62, I left in around 1963 when my dad got a job up in Scotland where i still am. It was nice to see someone remembers me from all those days ago. Didnt we look smart in our school uniform, unlike todays kids with shirts hanging out and ties undone would never have been tolerated eh

Comment by: Dannie on 29th October 2011 at 18:35

Hi Gerry sorry no it wasnt me who had a goat

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 29th October 2011 at 23:06

dannie,did you go to st williams before cardy? and yes those uniforms, i was so exited on my first day i thought i was fantastic in my new uniform and berret , its lovely to see you in your uniform, do you remember the head mrs ryan and mr rigby,there were a few nowty teacheres then , we didnt like it but its what theire short of today , the teachers derent do owt now and your write dannie they are a bit scruffy ties and shirts hanging out ,i have knelt down on wooden floors outside of mrs ryans office for an hour or more just for not getting the school bus home and getting the normal one, no wonder my knees are arthritic ha ha i could go on dannie ,did you live in hindley ?i was born in 1950 december and am now 60 cant beleive ive put that lol so you might be able to work out when we both started it must have been 61 for me and left in 66 wish it was that now.

Comment by: Chris on 31st October 2011 at 00:11

Josie, I also went to Cardy, think I started around 1962, I remember Mrs Ryan she was a tyrant, I remember her standing outside of the school gate in the morning watching us come in to see if we were wearing our beret and later those boater hats she decided we had to wear instead of the beret.

Comment by: tricia on 31st October 2011 at 16:32

I have only seen pictures of you, but cannot believe you are 60. I thought you looked much younger.

Comment by: Dannie on 31st October 2011 at 18:06

Hi Josie,
yes it is good to look back to those days of the 60's. Like you the day I started at cardy I felt good in my new uniform and being at the 'big' school, little knowing that with it brought a lot more discipline that we didnt have at our primary school. Thbge kids of today dont realise how lucky they are not having to go to school evry day wondering if you would be caned for some trivial thing. yes I remember Mrs Ryan and Mr Rigby, I remember mrs Ryan took great delight in caning girls, I remember her bringing two of the girls in our class back after caning them and they were crying (sadistic bitch)I got the cane off her with three other boys, we had been caught be her spying on the girls doing gym in their knickers, and she gave us four strokes each. No doubt you'll be saying she was quite right!
Yes I did live in Hindley at 37 Lord St, I suppose it will all be different now. I have been looking to see if there is a photo of you back then, but cant find one, perhaps if you have one youll get round to putting it on

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 1st November 2011 at 18:10

tricia, thanks for your compliment, have you seen my pics on wigan world or facebook ?as they might be photos when i was younger ha ha .

Comment by: josie on 1st November 2011 at 18:26

hi dannie, i have no photos of me at school,i will be putting a few on shortly of hr ince where i was born i have only recently got them off a relation and i am about 11 years old so dont know if you will remember me from those, the only other photos of me are on my facebook wall.

Comment by: josie on 1st November 2011 at 18:34

dannie have you seen the photos under walking days , hindley just thought you might be interested as you can see different parts of hindley.

Comment by: tricia on 1st November 2011 at 21:11

Hi Josie
It was on here that I have seen them. Saw the twins and triplets ones lately. They were brilliant.

Comment by: josie pennington nee beckett on 2nd November 2011 at 01:00

hi trisha,oh i had forgot about those pics for a minuet,but they were done about three months ago and yea i thought our gerry did a good job ,we had a really good day out that day and i have another couple of pics relaiting to that storie and that day but WW wouldnt allow them but i thought they still relaited to the pics of our aunty it was only showing me like the twins pic and me again with the twins pic and me today and gerry called it triplets,it was me and aunty mildred same as what you saw but gerry put me in again on wall with twins but with me as of today so it was a really good pic of then and now but WWdid not allow it ?

Comment by: josie on 2nd November 2011 at 01:12

oh yea trisha i forgot about that ; our gerry did a good job of those and theres more only WW wont allow them ? its sad really coz although theres an element of today its mostly of old but i think most people on here love stuff like that , were not trying to make it modern coz thats not what WW is about and i totally accept theire decision but i do think people would have loved the pics of now and then.

Comment by: Dannie on 2nd November 2011 at 14:31

Looking forward to seeing your pic on WW when you get round to doing it.It would be good if we could go back in time eh' to the not too bad old days at Cardy perhaps we'd be friends. By the way I'm not on facebook but I have joined friends reunited. I think we must have started at Cardy the same time, coz iv just turned 61!!! where does the time go?

Comment by: tricia on 2nd November 2011 at 16:26

That is a pity, Josie. I would have liked to see them.

Comment by: josie on 3rd November 2011 at 19:56

yes dannie we must have started at same time as i am 61 in december,by the way cardinal newman isnt there anymore, it closed a long time ago ,theres houses on there now,it was a shame such a lovely school at the time so modern.

Comment by: Gerry on 4th November 2011 at 09:00

The triplets photo is now on under PLACES/HINDLEY named
Mildred and two Josies

Comment by: Dannie on 5th November 2011 at 18:11

Thanks for letting me know about our old school Josie, I wondered what happened to it. I have only ever been back in the Wigan area once since I left with my family all those years ago. We had been for a short holiday in Blackpool a couple of years back, and on the way home took a couple of our grandchildren to see the old school as they had always enjoyed the stories I told them about my time there, I was disappointed when I couldnt find it and just thought I must have got my area a bit mixed up. It was a good school wasnt it, it wasnt all that old was it, I think it was only opened about 1957 or 58????. Perhaps if someone sees this and has a photo of the school they could put it on, it would be nice to see it again.

Comment by: Dannie on 1st January 2012 at 14:22

Happy New Year to all Cardy expats hope your all well

Comment by: josie on 22nd June 2012 at 02:33

hi dannie,hope you see this but you most likely cant make it but theres a big reunion for all ages of cardy pupils in august,i will be one of the oldest going ha its at the monaco in hindley soooo looking forward to it tickets are only £5 and i think theres hotpot in that just thought id'e let you know incase ????? x

Comment by: lynne houghton {now marsh} on 28th June 2012 at 15:52

hi dannie vagualy remember you,i was in the same year as josie becket.i am 61 this year do you remember me.i went to st benedicts but we all started at the same time.and yes i also have spent time in the hall all lunch time for swinging on the boys goal post.such good times, we didnt dare step out of line in those days.
june 27 2012.

Comment by: Dannie on 20th July 2012 at 15:36

Hi Josie sorry I've taken so long to reply, I only just found you had sent me a message, as I dont come on here all that often, I did for a while but there was never any word from you so I gave up. Sorry I wont be able to make the reunion af all the old 'cardy' gang but I'll be thinking of you and hope you have a nice time, perhaps you'll let me know how it goes, take care

Comment by: Dannie on 20th July 2012 at 15:40

Hi Lynne how are you, thanks for leaving a message for me, I do remember your name but I'm sorry I cant remeber what you looked like, maybe you have a school photo or something and put it on as it would be nice to recall some distant memories. Hope to hear from you again sometime Take Care

Comment by: josie on 13th September 2012 at 23:52

hi dannie,i went to the reunion and it was fab, there was no modern music just our music of 50s 60s and 70s and 80s it was great and guess who was there ....... mr burtwhistle ...he was 87 !!!!! i had my picture taken with him but unfortionally my grandaughter has somehow deleated it off the phone i am gutted,my friend took a bit of film not mutch though as we were a bit worse for wear ha , i thought i would have been one of the oldest but there was a few my age and older , i was talking to this fella as everyone was looking at one another you know as we dont look same now ha he looked famillier and he remembered me it was mick mcarthy do you remember him? ,i would say most of them were a lot younger than us but we all had something in common, cardy , it was a lovely night i really enjoyed it ,theres a cardinal newman web sight but its on facebook, anyway dannie i will keep in touch bye for now x

Comment by: Margaret Wall on 15th September 2012 at 12:37

Josie, I've just read your comment about the reunion. I wish I'd gone but I thought I wouldn't know many people as I thought they would be a lot younger. I left Cardi in 1965, at the same time as Pat Bannister. Do you remember her? We are still good friends and see each other quite often.
I would have loved to see the photo of Mr Birtwhistle. I wonder how many of our teachers are still living.
Did you find out anything about Mrs McCallister, as I believe she died a while ago?
I'm glad you all had a nice time at the 'do' and I'm only sorry I missed it.

Comment by: Dannie on 6th October 2012 at 12:44

Hi Josie good to hear you had a good night at the cardy reunion, just soory I couldn't make it. It must have been nice to see all the old faces and recall some of the good times, can you imagine its been all that time since we were all there? I don't suppose anyone remembers me. That was good to see that you met Mr Burtwhistle, and Mick McCarthy I vuagley remember him. Hope your well Dannie

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