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Does anyone recognise any of these Catteralls?
Does anyone recognise any of these Catteralls?
Photo: Paula Henderson
Views: 4,548
Item #: 30662
This photo is in my family's photos belonging to Samuel Catterall. Soldier 18269. Samuel was born in 1884 in Goose Green and died on the 8th August 1917 in Belgium. He was married to Betsy Atherton and was the son of Joseph Catterall and Margaret.

Comment by: Jarvo on 24th July 2018 at 19:14

I knew a Philip Catterall who was from the Goose Green estate. He went to Highfield school, about 1966.

Comment by: Veronica on 24th July 2018 at 21:29

Hi, Paula this photograph has gone onto my family page but I don't recognise anybody on the photograph. I don't think there is a near relationship with my Catteralls. They may be related further back in the line though. The earliest of my Catterall family goes back to the 1700's at UpHolland. They had large families in those days - my grandfather was one of ten but I can't find a direct link with your Catteralls who look a fine band of brothers. As I said they could be related further back who knows.

Comment by: irene roberts on 24th July 2018 at 21:39

I had an uncle Matt Catterall in Hindley. I have no way of knowing if he was related to the people in the photo.

Comment by: Roger on 24th July 2018 at 23:08

They look plastered with macassar oil in their hair, all in fashion in those days.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 25th July 2018 at 08:14

He was living in Walthew Lane, Platt Bridge, when he married Betsy from Ashton. They were living in nearby Victoria Street at the end of the war. Two children were Baptised at St Nat's. He was a sergeant when killed.
There was also a James Catterall living in Walthew Lane pre-WW1 who had children Baptised at St Nat's - they may have been related.
There are a number of Catteralls on the Ince WW1 Memorial - none connected with him, but one with Hindley connections.

Comment by: Veronica on 25th July 2018 at 08:20

There seems to be an aura about them as if they have 'done good'. Perhaps they emigrated to America or Canada as some of my family did. By the way I found a lot of Williams and Joseph's in my family tree. If I find the names you're looking for in my records I will post them on here.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 25th July 2018 at 11:29

When Samuel's father Joseph was buried at St John's Pemberton in 1918 the address given was 107 Walthew Lane - the same as that for the first child of James Baptised at St Nat's in 1908 - but by the time their second was Baptised in 1910 they were living next door to Samuel & Betsy in Victoria Street.
So it looks as if the family moved to Platt Bridge - and the two brothers moved to Victoria Street from Walthew Lane after marrying.
Both James & Samuel are in the Baptism Registers of All Saints, Wigan, under Cattrall - but Samuel also appears as a Private Baptism in that of St John's Pemberton. Following that he should have been taken to church to be Received into the Church - there may be a Note in the Register to that effect, but LOPC records him as having been Baptised a second time....

Comment by: Rev David Long on 25th July 2018 at 17:14

Wigan Archives online has two entries for Samuel - one recording the award of the Military Medal to him, and the other his death. A note says there was an article in the Observer in 2016 from his family, with a pic.

Below is his entry in the WW1 Honour Roll for St Luke's, Stubshaw Cross. Note the addresses in Ashton - yet St Nat's register gives 66 Victoria Road in 1912 and 1914, and the Archive entry for his death records her living in Victoria Road.


Born – Wigan(Pemberton)
Residence – Wigan
Rank – Sergeant
Regiment – Border Regiment
Battalion – 8th Battalion
Date of Death – 8/8/1917
No. 18269
Age 34
Additional Information Son of Joseph and Margaret Catterall, Platt Bridge, Wigan. Husband of Betsy Catterall(Atherton). After marriage, 1907, living at 371 Bryn Road, Ashton in Makerfield. After Samuels death Betsy Catterall was living at 358 Bolton Road, Stubshaw Cross, Ashton in Makerfield, Wigan. Occupation – collier at Mains Colliery..
Type of Death – Died of wounds
Comments – MM (Military Medal). (He led the gun line for a few hundred yards over No Man’s Land under heavy fire, and kept them supplied with ammunition).
Grave/Memorial Ref. XVI. K. 22A
Cemetery – Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium (Poperinge, West Vlaanderen)

Comment by: Veronica on 25th July 2018 at 18:50

Samuel was in the same regiment as my grt Uncle William Catterall 8th Border regiment died 18/7/1917. I know there were relatives in Pemberton -I do wonder if there is a connection. 902 service numbers between them.

Comment by: Veronica on 25th July 2018 at 20:59

Just over a 1000 between their service numbers. I don't know if that meant their paths wouldn't have crossed or not!

Comment by: Veronica on 25th July 2018 at 21:42

A comment has gone amiss I think . It was just to say my grt Uncle William Catterall was in the same regiment of 8th Border his number was 19271 and he was killed1/7/1917. Makes me wonder if their paths crossed. Also I recall there were relatives living in Pemberton. Perhaps Samuel's father Joseph was a cousin of my Grt grandfather Levi... Who knows?

Comment by: Rev David Long on 25th July 2018 at 22:27

It's more than likely their paths crossed - they both worked at the Cross Tetley Pit in Bamfurlong (though the St Luke's reference says Samuel worked at Mains Colliery).

Comment by: Veronica on 25th July 2018 at 23:41

Thats another coincidence! The surname, the place of work,the same battalion and regiment -a month between their deaths - but we still don't know who the young men are! I would love to see a photo of Samuel and Joseph his father! There must be a picture of Samuel in the History Museum - I must call in and look.... More than likely it will be in the same folder I found William's. Samuel is nearer in age to my grandfather as William was about 10 years younger than him. If there is a connection he may have looked up to him as an older man no doubt...

Comment by: Rev David Long on 26th July 2018 at 07:53

There's a grainy pic of him on the Archives site here:
Four of the five Catterall brothers of whom William was one are pictured can be found by putting William Catterall into the search box. I don't think any of them are in this pic.

Comment by: Veronica on 26th July 2018 at 08:18

Thanks very much Rev for the info. I have tried putting the address in the search engine but no success. I am going to the History Museum as they are very helpfull it will be so interesting to see the photos as I haven't got any photos of William's other brothers apart from my grandfather. I also want to see Samuel's picture.

Comment by: philip gormley on 26th July 2018 at 08:39

It's great to see these kind and helpful responses bouncing off each other - the process is almost musical.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 26th July 2018 at 08:44

You should be able to access the Archive's search facility by putting 'Wigan Archives' into your browser.

Comment by: Veronica on 26th July 2018 at 09:08

When I get to the Archives the message says I'm 'not supported' - its this 'daft iPad' Rev- no matter- I will sort it somehow. Thank you anyway. Unless some kind person can email the pics to WW.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 26th July 2018 at 10:27

The pics are copyright, so cannot be uploaded here. I can send you downloads of them if you send me an email address via mine from here.

Comment by: veronica on 26th July 2018 at 16:05

I will email you Rev and thanks. I now realise why I couldn't get into it. I got a picture of Samuel though from the folder. I did see images of the brothers apart from james on the computer which was very touching. I am really keen to see the captions underneath the photos but couldn't make out properly what was being said. I noticed my grandfather was described as a corporal which i didn't know about.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 26th July 2018 at 20:29

Veronica's quest had me look again at my files for the Standish Memorials. It turns out that, sadly, Samuel's older brother James was also killed - on the Somme on July 14th 1916. He is recorded on the Wigan Coal & Iron Co's Plaque in St Wilfrid's Peace Gate. Their father's death in 1918 looks like a broken heart....
Curiously, James Catterall is also listed on the War Memorial at Eastbourne. It may be that his Battalion, 13th, King's Liverpool, was billeted there before they went to France, and whoever put him up wanted him to be remembered there.

Comment by: Veronica on 26th July 2018 at 21:17

I will be going on Ancestry to see if I can find a link with Samuel's father Joseph and my grt grandfather as I have a feeling they could be related. Broken hearts must have been the cause of many a death at that time. You have actually spurred me on Reverend as I have let slide my interest in pursuing Family History for a while now.

Comment by: Mary heaybourne on 11th June 2020 at 13:56

William catterall,son of Levi and Margaret Catterall.died 18/07/1917.He was the brother of my grandmother Mary Ashcroft.19271 8th Bn., border regiment.died in Belgium.

Comment by: Veronica on 18th June 2023 at 22:46

Hello Mary we must be related. I would love to see a photograph of your grandmother. Her mother Margaret.’s photo is on this page I don’t know if you have noticed. Mary would also have been my grandfather’s sister. He died in 1949, I vaguely remember him. He is also on this page with 4 of his brothers.

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